So I'm sure most of my flist remembers
this little incident last year where someone was posing as Charisma Carpenter. Apparently, that wasn't enough because
they are at it again.
Julie Benz, who really does have a Twitter, reported this morning that this is NOT Charisma. But really any fan would know considering she talks about her ex-husband in favorable terms and spells his name wrong.
This is against the
Twitter Terms of Service under
Impersonation. So
Send them a note. This is what I wrote:
CharismaCH is posing as the actress Charisma Carpenter and not in a fun or parody way. She claims to be the real Charisma. The real Julie Benz, who has a Twitter, confirmed this morning that it was not her. RT @juliebenz: @CharismaCH is not the real charisma... I spoke to her this morning and she's not a tweeter...