That time of year...

Apr 14, 2009 11:18

I finally started to get all the medical stuff sorted out, was starting to feel better, so hubby and I decided to go to Walgreens for our annual after Easter sugar binge.

That's when we heard crying from our flowerbed. We went to look and a newborn kitten, still wet, was there. We decided we would give him a chance to have his momma move him before we took him in. Hubby had seen a preggy momma in the flowerbed when he came home from work and she looked octomom preggers. We figured she gave birth and was moving the kittens to a safer spot. It happens a lot here.

After dark, when it started to get cold, we could still hear the crying. We found out why momma didn't take him. His umbilical cord was wrapped and knotted around one of the flowers and some grass. We had a hard time ourselves to untangle him. I am just so thankful I had a lot of training with my pre-vet and volunteer programs in college before I switched majors. I was able to snip off his cord, get him cleaned up, warm, and with a very full belly. I evacuated him this morning with no problems. I think he'll make it. He's a tough bugger.

He's so tiny, a rat would tower over him. His eyes are still closed and we are on a feed him every hour schedule. Hubby named him Bo, after some kind of knot called a Bolin knot? (I have no idea. He was the Eagle scout, not me). He's an adorable little orange kitty and I will so get pictures up if I can get him out of my hoodie. LOL (I know Fluffernutter wants to see the baby pics)

Bo is the first rescue kitten of the season. We saw two other pregnant feral cats so I have a feeling he won't be the last. I just hope we can find the rest of his littermates before they get too big and wild.


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