Fic: Decisions

Jan 07, 2009 11:27

Title: Decisions
Characters: Angel
Rating: PG
Prompt: Written for the prompt "box" at open_on_sunday
Note: ATS S1

He’s never done this before. Then again, he’s never had anyone close to him. There were so many choices that it made his head spin. From linings to padding to even what it was made out of. His fingers ran over the collection of handles lined up against the wall. He should have brought Cordelia, she was good at making sure that things matched. But she was too distraught, eyes still red and haunted by that last kiss. In his day, a simple pine box was good enough. But now?

What kind of coffin do you get for a hero?

fic: drabbles, tv: ats, char: ats: doyle, char: ats: cordelia, author: kelly, char: ats: angel(us), rated: pg, 2009, site: open on sunday, fic: gen

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