2007 Whedonverse Icons

Dec 31, 2007 11:39

2007 Whedonverse Icons

Total Icons: 601


01-30. 30 Gay For Charisma Icons (Charisma)

31-140. 110 Whedonverse Icons (Fanged Four (Spike, Dru, Darla, Angelus, Master): 7, Willow/Willow Pairings: 5, Fang Gang (Wes, Fred, Gunn, Lorne, Groo): 14, Cordy: 18, Angel/us: 9, C/A: 9, Charisma Carpenter: 6, Buffy and Scoobies (Xander, Dawn, Giles, Group,): 13, Firefly Girls: 7, Spuffy: 10, Minor (Andrew, Janice, Glory, Amy, Lindsey, Jonathan, Larry): 12)

141-234: 94 Whedonverse Icons (Cordelia: 20, Fang Gang: 2, Fred: 2, Wes: 2, Xander: 2, Anya: 1,Dark Willow: 1, Joyce: 1, Buffy: 3, Dawn: 3, Cordelia/Angel: 19, Cordelia Quote: 1, Angel: 3, Charisma Carpenter: 4, The Mayor: 1, Angelus/Dru: 1, River: 2, Fred, Cordy: 3, Willow: 1, Darla: 1, Tara, Oz: 1, Anne: 1, Kaylee/Mal: 1, Kaylee: 2, Lilah: 3, Lilah/Lindsey: 1, Giles: 6, ASH: 3, Furies: 1, Hyperion: 1, Bellboy: 1)

235-329: 95 Whedonverse Icons (Dawn: 7, Cordelia: 6, Kendra: 4, Buffy: 12, Lilah: 5, Anya: 2, Fred: 3, Cordelia/Angel: 1, Angel: 2, Angel/Darla: 14, River: 4, Giles: 5, Kaylee: 1, Mal: 1, Anya & Spike: 2, Dru: 8, Inara: 4, Angel & Faith: 4, Wash: 4, Lindsey/Eve: 4, Willow/Xander: 4, Serenity: 1, Tara: 1, Wes/Faith: 1, Wes/Fred: 1)

330-402: 73 Whedonverse Icontest Icons: (Gunn: 3, Miss Kitty: 3, Lindsey/Eve: 1, Lindsey: 1, Spike: 2, Cordelia/Angel: 9, Wesley: 7, Buffy: 4, Willow: 1, Cordelia: 14, Angel The Series General: 2, Jasmine: 1, Fred: 2, Faith: 1, Harmony: 1, Drusilla: 1, Anya: 1, Angel: 5, Charisma Carpenter: 4, Faith/Angel: 1, Fred/Wes: 1, Zoe: 1, River: 1, Xander/Anya: 1, Doyle: 1, Mal/Inara: 1, Zoe/Wash: 1)

403-482: 80 "Rejected" Whedonverse Icons: (Faith: 3, Harm: 1, Wesley: 5, Spike: 2, Lindsey/Eve: 1, Miss Kitty: 8, Gunn: 2, Cordelia: 30, Jasmine: 1, Fred: 1, Buffy: 5, Willow: 2, Cordelia/Angel: 4, Angel: 8, Mal/Inara: 1, Xander/Anya: 1, Zoe: 1, Wes/Fred: 3)

483-601: 119 Angel/Buffy Fandom Icons: (Oz: 17, Cordy: 23, Cordy/Doyle: 3, Buffy: 15, Connor: 6, Dru: 2, Willow: 5, Faith: 4, Gunn: 4, Wes: 2, Julie Benz: 2, Fred: 7, Harmony: 7, Tara: 5, Angel: 8, Charisma Carpenter: 4, Charisma Carpenter & Nicolas Brenden: 3)

fandom: wrap-up, 2007

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