August-October Icon Awards

Oct 29, 2007 00:15

I am going to be killing flists here in a few days. I've written two fics for the Stranger Things Halloween Ficathon. I am also going to do a Halloween rec post with some special surprsies (that will be locked. *winks*). Not to mention some fic awards and I need to do an icon dump. So be prepared! (I can't help it, Halloween is my fave time of year! I get totally into it and yes, it inspired me to write WAY too much!)

These icon awards are from August-October. I took a break for a while so not as many here as usual. But I am back now, with a vengence! RAWR!


joss_stills / btvsats_girls / btvsats_guys / ca_stillness / beauty_stills / btvsats_contest / ai_scoob_chall / charisma_stills

PS. Sarah, I love you so much. Let me buy you a nachos BELLGRANDE, baby. *winks*

tv: firefly, tv: ats, site: stranger things, author: kelly, awards, awards: icons, 2007, tv: btvs, graphics: icons

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