Title: The Balance Condition
xlivvielockexFandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Buffy/Faith
Written For:
swatkat24Prompt: Bells and footfalls and soldiers and dolls
Brothers and lovers she and I were
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 5,216
Author's Notes: Post-Chosen. Not comics compliant. Written for
innumerablehues (
They were like two magnets repelling... )
Comments 38
Great job!!! I love your Faith voice.
I am glad that it was plausible. I played around for a bit since the previous two Buffy/Faith pieces I wrote, the reader had to assume they were already in a relationship. I don't think Buffy would just be like "Oh, know what, I with Faith now." I think she would have to come to that realization. She isn't one for self-reflection so that is always the hardest part. I am really really glad that someone thought it worked.
Faith, totally easy to write for me. She is just right in my head, all the time. Her and Cordelia. Now if I could actually think of a way that was believable for Cordelia to get with Faith...yeah, that has to stay in non-canon, no way, fantasyland. LOL
I've written two other Fuffy pieces, if you are interested. One is light and funny, the other is pretty much smut.
MOM! Buffy's In The Closet!: http://community.livejournal.com/still_grrr/82543.html (Buffy/Faith find themselves trapped)
and then a racier piece:
Doing It Greek Style:
http://xlivvielockex.livejournal.com/46332.html (Faith is having a bit of an afterslay tingle and Buffy isn't around to relieve her tension)
It's so true that Buffy and Faith are kinda made for each other. Chosen for each other might be a better way of putting it. I'm so glad to find good Fuffy. Cause bad Fuffy without the reasoning behind it to make it fit...just sucks. But this is GOOD Fuffy. Yum yum yum.
You sold it. Good job.
I have written the "I'm hot, you're hot, let's screw" before. Or rather, I started them from the point that the reader would know they already had their angst, they were together.
But naturally, this story feels more solid to me because it does have the buildup, it does have the angst. (But you know, "I'm hot, you're hot, let's screw" does have its place. *winks*)
Thank you again for leaving a comment. :)
You can check out Wikipedia for more details.
If Santa Barbara went down with the Hellmouth, Ventura would be the next best bet hospitalwise.
I'm being all "comic-book guy" about this I know, but it's a fun topic of debate for Californian Buffy fans because there are aspects of several CA towns blended into Sunndale.
To be safe, you could just make up a Santa... We have a lot of Santas (f) and Sans (m) up and down the coast.
And I would rather that someone corrected me on the details like that to be honest. I am not perfect and I would like for my stuff to be the best I could possibly make it rather than have some small glaring error. I took that part out completely and rewrote the sentence to make it a little better flow-wise.
I mean, as far as CA goes, I've only spent massive amounts of time in L.A. for work and pleasure, and that is it. Unless you count my annual trek to San Diego in the fall. My only friends in writing places I have never been are my road atlas and the net, which, has lied to me. That is it, I am breaking up with you intrawebbings! *shakes fist*
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