Cordelia's iPod

Jun 29, 2007 15:12

Sorry to those of you over at ST and AO cause you are probably sick of seeing this. But I sort of wanted to open up the discussion to people on my flist (and there are a few) who aren't diehard CORDELIA RULES! peoples. I am just looking for a variety of opinions.

One of the LJ communities I am a member of is doing a theme of what is in your fave character's iPod. And I thought it might be a pretty cool discussion topic if we opened it up. Angel is a little too easy (classical and Barry Manilow probably) so I figured how about Cordelia. (Though, I will totally start one for Angel if people want)

Let's pretend that Cordelia never died, she got an iPod and she is loading some music onto it. What do you think would be on there?

(and anyone can snag this, turn it into a meme or whatever. Just change the character sort of thing)

tv: ats, kelly's an idiot, fandom, char: ats: cordelia, 2007, random

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