Non-Whedonverse Drabbles

Jun 25, 2007 18:48

For people that asked for Whedonverse drabbles after I posted the first set, they will be coming tomorrow. The people who asked for Doctor Who, I need to watch a few more episodes to get the voice down a little better. I wasn't happy with what I wrote. But for the rest of you guys, this is what I have so far. :)

For boy_named_susie (I made this less spoilerific)

Atia could taste the ash in her mouth. Filling her cheeks until it spilt forth from her lips, down the back of her throat. Her nostrils flared, desperate for air. She clawed at her throat. She would tear off her skin, her flesh, offer it to whatever god would have her if she could breathe.

She woke with a start. The sweat soaked sheets clung to her body. She felt the hot sting of wounds on her neck. Her hands were covered in blood, skin pilled under her fingernails.

She uttered a single name, that who had cursed her. Servilia.

For boy_named_susie (You have to imagine the italics is Ron Howard's voice. Totally new writing style too.)

George Oscar Bluth the Second, after getting kicked out of the Magician’s Alliance, was finding it harder and harder to get any sort of work.

[cut to Gob at children’s party. Little boy approaches]

Mister? [boy tugs on Gob’s pants] Would you show me how you did that trick with the cards?

[Gob looks down, shouts] What? Who sent you, sonny? Are you here from the Alliance? Oh, they think they can get one over on me, do they? Come on!

[boy’s lip quivers, runs away crying]

And that was the first and last time Gob met his biggest fan.

For leobrat

Getting all sentimental doesn’t exactly help in this line of work. All the cheaters, shattered relationships, made me kind of cynical but a loveable cynic!


Hard not to think sometimes of the what-ifs. Just packed up and gone with Duncan to where ever. I’d be a decent mom. Better than my mom. And the couple of hours with the kid, I think I did pretty well. I didn’t run off with her college money to spend on booze so I get some points there. Maybe she’d look up at me one day and…

Hurts less to be a cynic.

For boy_named_susie

Veronica found herself wedged between a dumpster and a warehouse wall when flashlight blinded her.

“Shoulda known it would be you.”

She knew that voice. Damn. Lamb.

“What’re you doing out here?”

“Oh, you know…” Veronica stood up. “Working out the biceps. Have to get them in shape for the big battle royale. I like to lift crates to work the glutes.”

Lamb flicked his wrist. “Move it. This is a crime scene.” He grabbed Veronica’s arm, pausing before he pulled her out of her hidey-hole.

“Oh yeah, know someone that wants two tickets to the gun show.” Veronica grinned.

For leobrat

Weevil never lied to her. It was comforting after a boyfriend who did nothing but. He didn’t try to hide who he was, his past. He was simply Weevil. He got that sometimes, she just couldn’t talk about her work. He knew, he had a taste of it. He knew the criminal element. She never got fifty calls a day when she was on a case. Always willing to help her out too.

Then she woke up one day to find herself in love with him. No burning obsession, no need to be with you insanity. Simple. Nice. Just love.

For chrissy_ny

“Just leave it alone. Mine doesn’t need to be fixed.” Sean protested as he moved Christian away from the wall.

“This isn’t Miami. We are in Los Angeles. We have to keep up an image here. It isn’t tit jobs and vagina lifts on old retirees anymore. We are going to be looking at celebrity pussy.” Christian replied. He reached over, straightening out the picture on the wall again. It only made Sean look more agitated.

“Yours takes up half the wall and well, if you were going to get professional headshots taken, couldn’t you have at least told me?”

For sl_podcast (This is a double drabble)

“So, Veronica, Eli tells us that you are thinking about becoming a federal agent?”

Veronica swallowed her bite of tamale, looking up at Weevil’s grandmother. “Oh, yeah. You know, bust the bad guys, get myself a Mulder, wear snazzy suits from Dress Barn.”

Mrs. Navarro just chuckled. “You have a fiery spirit. I think that is just what Eli needs.”

Veronica caught Weevil blushing just slightly. It formed pink blotches all around his head. She resisted the urge to taunt him. She’d have plenty of time to do that later.

“Grandma!” Weevil said, rubbing his head and down to the back of his neck. His grandma just whacked his hand with a wooden spoon. He jerked his hand away.

“Well, I hope you like my cooking.”

“It is great, Mrs. Navarro but I think I am enjoying the side of Eli torture more. Now that is something you don’t get every place, dinner and a show.” Veronica just smiled as Weevil blushed once more. She’d have to keep that in mind. Something about making a PCHer blush, just gave her a warm, tingly feeling inside.

“Can I see the ring again? I never knew my Eli had such good taste.”

fic: drabbles, char: vm: duncan, tv: rome, char: vm: veronica, rated: pg, char: vm: lamb, char: rome: atia, pair: vm: veronica/duncan, rated: pg13, tv: arrested development, author: kelly, tv: nip/tuck, pair: rare, pair: vm: veronica/weevil, 2007, tv: veronica mars, char: vm: weevil, pair: vm: veronica/lamb

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