Fic: Drabble prompts

Jun 23, 2007 21:21

Okay, this is round one...Buffy and Angel verses. I will probably be back tomorrow with round two. But everyone got at least one of their prompts done. :) Thanks again for spanking my muse into submission and I will honestly take more! Just hit me here


For boy_named_susie

Cordelia/Angel, Monkey )

pair: btvs: willow/tara, char: ats: fred(illyria), fic: drabbles, tv: ats, pair: ats: gunn/faith, char: btvs: willow, char: btvs: spike, char: ats: cordelia, char: ats: angel(us), rated: pg, char: btvs: joyce, char: ats: drusilla, rated: pg13, pair: btvs: joyce/giles, char: ats: wes, char: ats: gunn, char: btvs: tara, char: btvs: faith, rated: r, pair: btvs: spike/dru, pair: ats: cordelia/angel(us), author: kelly, char: btvs: harmony, tv: btvs, 2007, char: btvs: giles

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Comments 26

wereleopard58 June 24 2007, 04:28:48 UTC
Loved em all especially mine, you do this so well i hate you, really I do



xlivvielockex June 26 2007, 02:05:56 UTC
Pfft, I hate you more. LOL


missscarlett June 24 2007, 04:44:59 UTC
Oh yes, Spike/Dru win! Love them, loved the fic. Thanks for writing it! :)


xlivvielockex June 26 2007, 02:07:07 UTC
I love Spike/Dru so much. I am glad you like it. I wasn't sure since you don't talk a lot about Spike on your journal.


missscarlett June 26 2007, 06:17:05 UTC
Spike's my favourite. :) I dragged my arse all the way to Milton Keynes last month to meet James Marsters....waited in line for hours from 6am. It was well worth it, though. Met Juliet Landau last year and she was lovely as well.


not_purrrfect June 24 2007, 05:25:21 UTC
That was way cool. Joyce and her wine. LOL Thanks so much!


xlivvielockex June 26 2007, 02:07:27 UTC
Not a problem. I am glad that you enjoyed it. :)


mystalkershrine June 24 2007, 06:45:02 UTC
OMG, thanks for writing it! I actually originally thought that you were asking for like...standalone or serial fic ideas :$

Anyways, it's all the awesome! :D Thanks :D


xlivvielockex June 26 2007, 02:07:55 UTC
It's all good, so don't worry. I will see if I can get the muse to pull something else from the ideas you gave.


lauratd June 24 2007, 08:38:50 UTC
Great work! I can't wait for the Popular/Buffy x-over. Mary Cherry and Harmony so need to meet each other and I can't wait to see Cordy take Nicole down.


xlivvielockex June 26 2007, 02:08:32 UTC
That crossover is turning into quite the little ficlet. LOL It is going to get its own post. Now don't you feel special?


lauratd June 26 2007, 02:56:32 UTC
Oh, I've known I was special ever since the day they gave me the "I'm special" bracelet with my phone # on the back to wear on the short bus in case I got lost, but this makes me feel even more special.


xlivvielockex June 26 2007, 07:15:43 UTC

You crack me up. I love your sense of humor. (Or rather, what little I have seen of it so far. Still cracks me up)


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