2007 Whedonverse Standalone Fanfiction

Dec 31, 2007 19:53

2007 Whedonverse Standalone Fanfiction

Total Stories: 29

01. But Do They Have A Pool? (Melrose Place/ATS crossover. Amanda Woodward and Billy Campbell stumbled into Caritas)( alternate link)

02. Don't Leave Me This Way (Lorne discovers Caritas again) ( alternate link)

03. Changes (ATS genfic. S4 seen through the citizens of LA) ( alternate link)

04. Lisa Needs Braces (Skip ponders his job) ( alternate link)

05. MOM! Buffy's In The Closet! (Buffy/Faith find themselves trapped) ( alternate link)

06. We Got Ourselves A Sheriff and His Name is Bobby Joe (The Fang Gang finds themselves in a small town in Arizona) ( alternate link)

07. Wiked Games (Cordelia and Willow backstory) ( alternate link)

08. Most Unlikely (Angel finds himself falling in love with Cordelia)

09. Greatest Love of All (Angel experiences the greatest love of all, that of a father for his son. NOT A PAIRING. Parent and child only)

10. River Tricks Early (Potential named River gets called) ( alternate link)

11. Cosmo's Hands On Guide To Solo Sex (Cordelia can't seem to get herself off. Mast, f-solo fic)

12. Till The Petals Fall (Faith stops by Wolfram and Hart after the destruction of Sunnydale, looking for Wes) ( alternate link)

13. Doing It Greek Style (Faith is having a bit of an afterslay tingle and Buffy isn't around to relieve her tension)

14. Apollo's Gift (AU, Doyle didn't die in Hero but he has to die eventually) ( alternate link)

15. Trapped (Cordelia's headspace during S4 ATS)

16. Let's Eat (Angel, Cordelia, and Wes share Thanksgiving Dinner)

17. You Want Happy Ending (AU take on Chosen. Xander/Anya)

18. The Balance Condition (Buffy/Faith, post-Chosen. Buffy comes to terms with who she is, what she wants)

19. Burned (Angel mourns Cordelia)

20. Peripheral (Fix-It of S4)

21. Her (Spike can't get The Slayer out of his head)

22. Gloria, How's It Gonna Go Down (Willy the Snitch in love)

23. Trading Spaces (The Fang Gang trades bodies)

24. Music and Savage Beasts (Buffy/Faith, music didn't soothe these savage beasts, it incited them)

25. Perfect Fit (Connor, post-NFA)

26. Woah! (Cordelia, Doyle, post-You're Welcome)

27. Stakeout (Wes, Gunn)

28. Invitation (Cordelia/Angel, Halloween Fic)

29. But It Wasn't You (Cordelia/Angel, Halloween Fic)

fandom: wrap-up, 2007

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