Kurt Vonnegut RIP

Apr 12, 2007 00:09

I don't usually post personal stuff on this journal because I am a very private person and because I started this journal mostly just to have a place to put my fanfiction. But I do need to share something personal this evening.

For those that don't know, Kurt Vonnegut has passed away. (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/12/books/12vonnegut.html?_r=2&Read more... )

rant, books: kurt vonnegut, random

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Comments 9

beer_good_foamy April 12 2007, 07:54:21 UTC
How much do I love you right now? I heard the news just 90 minutes ago and I *wept* as if I'd lost a close personal friend. 84 is a good age to go out at, but still, a world without a Kurt Vonnegut in it is an emptier, greyer place, a place closer to the lowest common denominator. Few writers have that ability to serve up their opinions as fiction, dress up the most serious of subjects as great big cosmic jokes, poke away at the big words and fancy rhetoric and show the underlying inanity. His is a world where the good guys don't win, where the bad guys don't wear black capes, where it's all still very beautiful and very funny and for all its absurdities undeniably real ( ... )


xlivvielockex April 12 2007, 08:06:29 UTC
Just to make you feel, maybe, a bit better, my best friend called me with the news about two hours ago. He said that I needed to sit down because he had some bad news and then he told me. I cried. I cried about as much as I cried when my own father died. It is amazing how someone you have never met can touch you so deeply, affect your life, by never meeting them ( ... )


beer_good_foamy April 12 2007, 13:20:39 UTC
One of the few writers I know who comes close to what Vonnegut was doing in terms of cynical compassion and deadly serious hilarity is Thomas Pynchon - of course, he's so wilfully weird that most people never manage to penetrate that far into his books. And he's not exactly young either... shit... I'm going to have to watch all of my heroes die, aren't I?

"I am not dying," said Rumfoord. "I am merely taking my leave of the solar system. And I am not even doing that. In the grand, in the timeless, in the chronosynclastic infundibulated way of looking at things. I shall always be here. I shall always be wherever I've been." - The Sirens of Titan

Thank *deity or lack thereof as readers see fit* that books can't die.


xlivvielockex April 12 2007, 17:12:41 UTC
Oh Foam...I wanted to love you, I so did. And then you said that. LOL ( ... )


beer_good_foamy April 21 2007, 20:34:11 UTC
BTW, I just had to send you this. I suppose one should never really be surprised by Fox News, but... seriously.

Fox on Kurt Vonnegut: "Rich and irrelevant, despondent leftist, didn't even like Richard Nixon, such an unhappy man."

Somewhere, Kurt is laughing his ass off.


xlivvielockex April 29 2007, 17:30:42 UTC
Jebus, I am getting notfications LATE. Have to love the el jay. I just got the email for this one.

I saw that, sadly. Someone on Datalounge posted it seconds after it was on Crooks and Liars (love that site!)

Then again, Faux News is probably the most right wing conservative bunch of crazies that has ever gotten their own network news show. Instead of talking about Iraq or what a crap job the Pres. is doing, they covered Anna Nicole for like every newscast.


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