Recs Feb. 3-9

Feb 10, 2007 09:54

So, the recs are a little...sparse this week. Why? Cause it is crazy time for me workwise and LJ was being like a total POS this week. Pages weren't loading, etc. But there are still plenty of good short fics that are really worth checking out. Plus some art.

Spike month at good__evil

americangrl69 has made some neat icons with Max from Dark Angel and Buffy:

Kelly News
I got so caught up in judging for an awards website today, I didn't get a chance to read a darn thing. Shame on me! (Also still had a headache so I ended up watching Scrubs most of the day. LOL)

Spike Month at good__evil

Okay, so because I was seriously lacking in the recs dept on Saturday, I am going to do a couple today from gen_storyteller as I try to catch up with a lot of posts there. Because I do think that genfic is important and kind of lacking within the fandom. Quick note, just doing recs today for stories that are on that comm. If a story was linked to a personal journal, I didn't read it today. Not anything personal, just one of those things.

- Walls Have Ears by shinodabear Amusing drabble about the Hyperion and Sunnydale High Library having a talk.
- The Right Path by secondalto Wesley is questioning if he is on the right path and turns to Lorne for help.
- She Works Hard For The Money by spikendru Harmony's working hard for her money!
- Quid Pro Quo by kellyhk. Post-Apocolypse story. Really dark and bleak. Not meant to lift the spirits by any means.
- A Knight's Tale by hesadevil. Drogyn fic, something that you don't see a lot of.

Kelly News
Please someone remind me why I signed up for so many RPGs? LOL At least I am staying away from the LJ ones.

Spike Month at good__evil

- Two quick C/A fics from one of my fave C/A writers samsom

Kelly News
Look! I wrote a Gunn drabble! The surprise!


Spike month at good__evil


Spike Month at good__evil

- SNYDER FIC! From my bestest canon girlfriend boy_named_susie



Spike Month at good__evil

Finally got LJ to start behaving for me so read some stuff over at open_on_sunday
- Business as Usual by cornerofmadness Angel is teaching Connor about the family business post-NFA
- Flimsy Mom Excuse by writero Great piece with Joyce and Buffy. The last paragraph is awesome.
- Anglophile Andrew by sunnyd_lite Andrew piece with a fantastic take on the prompt of "super bowl"
- Clothes Fluke by beer_good_foamy Oh Foamy, the master. I bow to you again.
- Supermom by shinodabear Three drabbles about Joyce, even a pre-mom Joyce, something that is really rare.


Spike Month at good__evil

Kelly News
Look ma! Quickie Cordelia drabble:


fic: drabbles, char: ats: connor, tv: ats, fandom: recs, char: btvs: spike, char: ats: cordelia, char: ats: angel(us), char: btvs: joyce, fic: gen, char: ats: wes, site: good evil, char: ats: gunn, tv: crossover, char: minor, pair: ats: cordelia/angel(us), char: btvs: andrew, promotion, char: btvs: buffy, char: btvs: harmony, tv: btvs, 2007

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