Jan Good Evil Challenge 1

Jan 01, 2007 12:00

I am doing the drabble challenge over at good__evil for the month of Jan. Every day is a different character. Hopefully, I can do all 30. I am going to use this as the keeping track post. But if you like it, just pop over there and comment, please. They are a great little community.

This is going to be the entry for Days 1-11

Title: Traffic Stop
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: PG
Charater: Lindsey
Word Count: 100

The red and blue lights flooded the cab of Lindsey McDonald’s truck. He was barely out of L.A. on the 10. He pulled over onto the shoulder, the light evening traffic just passing him by. It was mostly semis.

He leaned back against the seat, pressing his hand to his forehead. This was the third time he had gotten pulled over so far. He wasn’t speeding, he didn’t have a tail light out. He wasn’t weaving all over the road. Damn cops had it out for him. Cops suck.

“License and registration.” The officer said as Lindsey groaned. Not again.


Title: Fairy Tales
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: G
Charater: Fred
Word Count: 100

"And then they lived happily ever after.” Trish Burkle finished the story, closing the book and resting it on her lap.

“Will you read that part again, momma?” The little girl asked. Her large brown eyes looked up at her mother, pleading with the woman for just a little longer.

“Now, Fred, you know it’s past your bedtime.”

“I know but I just want to hear it. One more time. Where the Prince comes and saves the fair maiden. Where he kisses her after he slays the dragon.” Fred pulled the covers up tighter around herself.

“Okay, just this once.”


Title: The Perfect Pair
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: G
Charater: Wes
Word Count: 100
A/N: I really really wanted to do dorky Wesley and I have been watching too much Friends lately. So...viola!

These were exactly what he needed to strike fear into the hearts of evil demons everywhere. He struggled as he tried to put them on. He had gotten the right size but perhaps too much time spent with junk food eating Slayers had made him slightly...bloated. He jumped as he tried to pull them on and instead, fell back against the dressing room wall, sending the entire row shaking. He nearly fell again as he tried to right himself. Perhaps what he needed was a little something to grease his legs up so he could slide them on easier?


Title: Hindsight
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: PG
Charater: Dru
Word Count: 100

“Hail Mary, Full of Grace...”

She trailed off as she heard someone enter the church. She looked quickly to the dark stranger. She bowed her head, averting her eyes from the man but she could feel his gaze upon her. The lust in his eyes burned into her back like hot coals. She rose quickly from the pew. She knew she had to find someone, a priest, a nun. There was something wicked about that man. His eyes were dark, soulless, like two pits descending into Hell. And yet, she had to turn back, to look at him once more.


Title: Glamour
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: G
Charater: Willow
Word Count: 100

She turned the pages of the spellbook though she knew that she shouldn’t have taken it. What would Giles care if she took one book? He had plenty, he was a librarian!

“This one looks good. Avara Cardev--” Willow pulled her head back, letting out a sneeze on the last word so it sounded like a mixture between “achoo” and “libretum”.

She heard a popping noise and her ears suddenly felt very full. She lifted up a compact mirror from her backpack, her mouth open wide as she saw the pink daises sticking out from either side of her head.


Title: Failure
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: G
Charater: Lilah
Word Count: 100

Failure. That wasn’t a word that usually bothered Lilah. Yes, it was unnerving and annoying, but she was smart enough that she could learn from her mistakes. They were nothing more than lessons. If she failed a test in school, it meant she needed to study harder. If she failed a job interview, it meant someone was more qualified for the job.

But now that single word carried with it so much more weight. Failure at Wolfram and Hart was more than just a few letters, strung together, defined by the connotations of the listener. Failure, was a death sentence.


Title: Constant Cravings
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: G
Charater: Oz
Word Count: 100

Everyone looked at Oz from across the table in the library. It wasn’t just the rather loud crunching that the normally laid back and quiet rocker was doing, it was what he was crunching on that was drawing the raised eyebrows.

“What?” He asked as he looked at the assembled group.

“Oz...it’s just that...well...you...are...” Willow stammered.

“You are eating dog biscuits!” Cordelia blurted out in her typical fashion.

“It’s that time of the month.”

Xander spoke up. “But dog biscuits, man?”

“I get cravings.” Oz shrugged his shoulders as he popped another Milkbone into his mouth.


Title: Paradise Attained
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: G
Charater: Anya
Word Count: 100

Anya lounged by the pool, large sunglasses covering her face and barely there bikini covering, well, little else. She raised her hand up to gesture for another one of those fruity tropical drinks with the little umbrella. This place really was paradise. Buffy was stupid to stayed on Earth. She would have made Willow send her right back if they ever yanked her out.

“Raoul! Bring more money for the pool. I want to go swimming.” Hot, chiseled men ready to serve your every whim, who could ask for more?

This hero’s death thing really wasn’t that bad at all.


Title: Five Bits of Ink Charles Gunn Never Got
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: PG-15ish
Word Count: 100

He watched the whole thing from the house. He watched his father, carrying groceries, fall to his knees. He looked like he was kneeling for Sunday service. But the boy on the porch knew better. He knew that a slug to your back from a drive-by was going to send you to your knees.

He couldn’t watch his father fall nor his mother rush out of the house, pushing the young boy aside. All he could watch was the way the groceries flew up out of the bag, like they were suddenly set free from their brown paper prison.


“Stake him already, youngblood.” The voice came echoing off the alley walls and straight into Charles Gunn’s ears. It bounced around in his head to join the million thoughts running through his head at lightening speed as he looked at the vampire across from him. The vampire that he had pinned to the alley wall. He thought of his father’s death, his mother’s suicide, of the two foster homes he had been in before he escaped. He had a family now. He had to prove his place. He pulled his arm back quickly and then connected with the vampire’s chest.


Nobody knew that he kept her in a box under his bed. Nothing fancy because they never did have nothing fancy. Just a box from a pair of shoes she always wanted, a pair of shoes he could have never gotten her. He kept her with her favorite teddy bear. Wasn’t much, it was something he had fished out of a dumpster and cleaned up for her. Nobody knew that he pulled that box out every night and he told what was left of her that he was sorry. He made a promise to her and he had failed her.


He knew that he was her first and inside, his male ego swelled with pride. Wasn’t hard to figure out considering nobody had been able to touch her until now. But she moved with the same grace and skill as a predatory cat and he wasn’t complaining. He liked the way her skin felt, how smooth. It was like milk under his dark fingertips. It hurt her at first, of course it did, he was Charles Gunn. Then again, they had both had too much pain in their life, too much death, what was another little death between momentary partners?


He fell to his knees in the rain soaked alley, the blood from the wound escaping freely. He tried to keep his insides in with a large hand as he looked up to see the vampire looming above him. He blinked the rain from his eyes. Why was he here? He made a promise. He already let them get Alonna, Fred. They weren’t going to get the rest of the world. He didn’t keep all his promises but this one, he would. He jabbed the stake up, missing the vampire. It was the last valiant effort as death closed in.


A/N: This is my first time doing this kind of story so hopefully, I did it correctly. Gunn is my second favorite character in the series and I am working off the street culture that he was raised in, in which black men get black ink tattoos to mark significant events/memberships in their lives.


Title: It's A Wonderful Life
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: G
Word Count: 100

In Faith’s coma dreams, every day was Thanksgiving. Not the ones she was used to growing up in Boston where the only turkey was Wild Turkey, mom was passed out drunk before the parade, and one of her “uncles” kept trying to have sex with her. In her dreams, she was Faith Summers, sister to Buffy, daughter of Joyce, captain of the dance team. She was dating Xander Harris and she was voted Homecoming Queen. She was a model student by day and protector of the people by night. Everyone loved her. And she always got to carve the turkey.

Title: Moving
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: PG-15ish
Word Count: 100

She was a restless spirit. After Sunnydale became crater city, all she needed was a bike and some leathers. She loved the way the leather smelt, how it felt against her skin. It was like the intimate touch of a lover, only leathers lasted for more than one night. She didn’t need much, just a town with a bar, a cheap motel, and some demons that needed to be taught who The Slayer was. With thousands of untrained girls out there, it was her job to keep the fear behind that word. She always kept moving forward, never looking back.


Title: Last Boy Scout
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: G
Character: Riley
Word Count: 100

Now was the moment of truth. David Spencer had made a large wooden sign for his church. Tony DeLuca and Adam Hatcher had teamed up to landscape the local senior center. A group of five boys built a hiking trail near the elementary school and gave educational hikes on the weekend. Everyone was anxious to see his last project. He had always been a bit too good at archery, too good at marksmanship, and took good at taking orders from their Scout Leader, Chip.

For his Eagle Scout project, Riley Finn built a secure defensive parameter around the high school.


char: ats: fred(illyria), fic: drabbles, tv: ats, char: btvs: willow, char: btvs: anya, char: ats: drusilla, fic: gen, char: ats: wes, site: good evil, char: ats: gunn, char: btvs: oz, char: btvs: faith, char: ats: lilah, char: ats: lindsey, char: btvs: riley, tv: btvs, 2007

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