Five Angel Rewatch Drabbles

Jun 16, 2010 12:29

Title: Standard Procedure
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Character: Kate
A/N: We are doing an Angel Rewatch at Stranger Things and I got this idea in my head to write a drabble for each episode. This is for Lonely Hearts. Un'betaed.

Kate was a punchline to a joke.

She hadn’t graduated first at the Academy, not even in the solid middle. But she was determined. She knew becoming a cop was the only way to make her dad proud of her.

She screwed up. A lot. She’d forget search warrants, rough up suspects, mouth off to her superiors. She should have arrested that Angel guy for assaulting an officer and resisting arrest.

When she caught that serial killer, solved a dozen homicides easily with one arrest, she wasn’t a joke anymore. At least not to herself. That is all that mattered.

Title: A Stop Not On The PGA Tour
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Character: Cordelia, Doyle, Angel
A/N: We are doing an Angel Rewatch at Stranger Things and I got this idea in my head to write a drabble for each episode. This is for In The Dark. Un'betaed.

Cordelia stood just outside the door leading onto the roof, shamelessly eavesdropping on Angel and Doyle’s sunset conversation. She frowned, lips set in determination.

An hour later she frantically called Angel, telling him that she needed him and Doyle right away. True to his new hero schtick, he showed up with time to spare.

“Magic Carpet Mini-Golf, Cordelia?”

“Yeah, it’s the perfect kind of golf for you. No sun. And, if you get your ball in the Tiki head, you get a free round.”

Angel watched her and Doyle march through the entrance, the smallest of smiles on his face.

Title: Performance Bonus
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Character: Cordelia, Doyle
A/N: We are doing an Angel Rewatch at Stranger Things and I got this idea in my head to write a drabble for each episode. This is for I Fall To Pieces. Un'betaed.

Doyle stood at the teller window as Cordelia deposited the check from their first paying client. His eyes went to Cordelia’s outstretched hand as the teller deposited several twenties into it.

“What’re you doin’?” He hissed at her.

She shoved two twenties into his pocket. “I think getting knocked unconscious and shoved into a closet calls for a new purse, don’t you? And what Angel doesn’t know…”

He was about to protest, but stopped. There was a pretty little filly named Princess’ Pride that he wouldn’t mind putting the two notes on.

“Won’t hurt him.” He replied with a grin.

Title: Necessary Measures
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Character: Cordelia
A/N: We are doing an Angel Rewatch at Stranger Things and I got this idea in my head to write a drabble for each episode. This is for Rm w/a Vu. Un'betaed.

Cordelia rubbed the mark around her neck from where that creepy old ghost lady had tied wiring around it. It still hurt. She had to cancel her auditions because nobody wants a ‘suicide survivor’ hocking laundry detergent.

She frowned, looking into Angel’s empty office. Oh sure, he gets choked or stabbed or beat up, it’s a not big deal. He has the super vamp healing. But her…this line of work was not going to be without its bumps or bruises.

She leaned over her computer keyboard, hunting and pecking five words into a search engine.

‘Health insurance for small businesses’.

Title: Reach Out
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Character: Cordelia, Mrs. Chase
A/N: We are doing an Angel Rewatch at Stranger Things and I got this idea in my head to write a drabble for each episode. This is for Sense and Sensitivity. Un'betaed.

Cordelia hated these monthly phone calls from her mother. She knew better than to bring up them abandoning her. ‘You were the one that wanted to graduate with your friends.’ Or her lack of boyfriend. ‘You could have married one of daddy’s business associates.’

“How much?”

“Cor, darling. Just enough for rent on this shanty.”

She cringed. Her mother’s idea of a shanty was still nicer than her own very fabulous haunted apartment. “You aren’t going to spend it on Manolos?” A luxury that Cordelia herself could no longer afford.

Silence. Cordelia just sighed heavily. “I’ll send a check tomorrow.”

fic: drabbles, tv: ats, 2010, char: ats: doyle, char: ats: cordelia, site: stranger things, author: kelly, char: ats: angel(us), rated: pg, char: ats: kate, fic: gen

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