Drabble: Clean Up On Aisle Nine

Mar 24, 2010 19:18

Title: Clean Up On Aisle Nine
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Written for the 'waffles' prompt at angel100
Characters/Pairing (if any): Angel, hints of C/A
A/N: Post-NFA, not comics compliant. Thanks to damnskippytoo, samsom, and nikkiwawa79 for looking it over.

Angel pushed the shopping cart, picking up things to stock Connor’s new apartment fridge.

He stood in frozen foods, staring at the rows of yellow boxes of toaster waffles, lips curving into a small smile. He relished the memory, sitting across from Cordelia as she served them.

Then he remembered the why, that Wolfram and Hart had tortured her with her own visions. He remembered the years after that with painful clarity. She gave up her life for him, his mission.

His fist went through the glass, crumpling the cardboard boxes in its path, sending an explosion of waffles skyward.

fic: drabbles, char: ats: angel(us), author: kelly, tv: ats, 2010, rated: pg, pair: ats: cordelia/angel(us)

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