Jan 08, 2010 17:13


So anyone following Buffyfest, Scott Allie, or Dark Horse comics has been spoiled for the reveal of Twilight. It's Angel.

No, really.

I'm not kidding here.

Still don't believe me?

Is your face plastered into a WTF look too?

Just another in a long line of WTF moments in the comics. Warren isn't dead? WTF?! Buffy robbed a bank? WTF?! Xander and Dawn got together? WTF?! Do I really need to go on and list the real of the moments that had most of us scratching our heads and wondering just exactly what kind of crack Whedon was smoking.

That's it, I'm not drinking the Kool Aid any longer.

I said before that it would take a lot for me to cancel my subscription to the Buffy comics not because I was enjoying them but because I was supporting a local, struggling comic shop. Especially after that beloved comic shop went out of business and I had to find one two hours away who was independantly owned and would mail the comics to me.

Scott Allie is reassuring everyone that it's okay, it's vital to the story, it will all turn out okay. Um, really? Like how many other loose end plotlines have you guys cleaned up? How many times have we heard, from Scott Allie, not to worry, that it would all be explained and revealed, just to end up with us scratching our heads and going wait, that doesn't answer a goddamned thing and makes no sense what so ever.

Obama makes more fucking sense being Twilight than Angel. Since when can Angel fly cause we see Twilight flying. And the dialogue along from Twilight is not Angel, in any way, shape or form. Why the hell would he work with Riley first off? He is dumb as a post but he has more brains than that. And hello, without magic, he wouldn't have his soul, which makes him a CHAMPION. He wouldn't have been able to save Connor without magic. No matter what, at the end of the day, he is fighting for the same thing Buffy is. Not against her. WTF I SAY AGAIN!

THIS is what happens when you let a guy, who has said before that characterization is second to plot, run without a leash. I can only imagine those writers' meetings where the other guys had to reel in the crazy that is coming full force in these comics.

It's like The Assassination of Cordelia Chase all over again. If these comics had come through on any of the numerous promises, cleaned up any of the loose ends, I would have a little more faith. They keep saying oh, keep buying, cause we explain the why. Only you haven't bothered to explain the why of any of the other wtf things you've tossed out there!

You know what they say, insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results. I'm outta this looney bin.

ETA: I know that some people are saying this is a foiler, something to throw people off the scent of what is really going on. To people saying that, I gotta ask, are you a bitch? No seriously, are you a bitch? Cause Dark Horse is trying to fuck you like a bitch. It's like your friend telling you (and others) "I'm gonna throatpunch you now." and then throatpunches you. Then they laugh and tell you it's all a joke. Would you want that person to be your friend?

And to the spectulation that it's all Willow behind it, that she is somehow controlling an Angel looklike or Angel himself, I gotta ask again, are you a bitch? Cause it makes no more sense for Willow (especially since she is all Goddessy giving up her powers Willow) to want to destroy magic and close the Hellmouths as it does for Angel.

Either way, Twilight being a white hat is horrible turn in characterization and really, it doesn't make any sense for ANYONE outside of maybe future Willow coming back through time to change things. And god, if they did that, Fonz has his skis ready over here. Know what I'm saying?

tv: ats, 2010, kelly's an idiot, fandom, rant, wtf?!, comics, tv: btvs

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