Title: Five Training Sessions Wesley and Faith Never Had
xlivvielockexRating: NC17 (to be safe)
Word Count; 500 (5x100)
Warnings: Risk/reward, sense deprivation, bondage, spanking, heterosexual sex between consenting adults
Characters/Pairing (if any:) Wes/Faith
A/N: Not beta'ed so if you see any mistakes, let me know. Totally sprung from a
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And I keep toying with the idea of a C/A, W/F story. It's a shame that Becca (?) never finished that C/A & W/F one that she was writing. I've read all that is up at JustFic.
Then again, you know your C/A fics so I might just be remembering it completely wrong.
ETA: Or not. I can't get to anything on JustFic clicking from the index. That sucks.
Long Time Coming by Beccajane and Crisis of Faith.
I haven't read it in a while but it doesn't look like the W/F is as explicit as the C/A. And you were totally the person who told me to read it because I was in the mood for B-bashing. LOL
And yeah, you know I love my subtext and I think it was totally leaning W/F. What ever happened to her? You know? She just fell out of the fandom?
Becjane just disappeared. I guess she got a real life somewhere along the way. It's too bad because I really would like that fic finished.
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