Oct 30, 2009 11:03

Oy vey, so I know, been a bad LJ friend lately. I got back from St. Thomas and got hit with some killer thing. Coughing, fever, the works. I spent a week in bed and I've still got the hacking cough. Superfun, let me tell you. And did I mention the temps dropped radically here? We had snow flurries on Tuesday. SNOW. FLURRIES.

So yeah, no awesome Halloween post from me, even if it is my favorite holiday. I did finalize my makeup look with diseased_inside last night. Going as a purple glittering fairy this year. How appro. LOL

And despite being sick, I've been working my butt off for the 2009 Stranger Things Halloween Ficathon. We're doing ficpics this year and I got to ficpic samsom and starlet2367. And starbuck42084 made me a fab-u-lous ficpic for my story. I totally love this idea! I also deleted my story and started over when I got back. Probably a bad idea.

Anyway, the point of this post is that tacitus_3 did an EPIC Halloween Post that I found via fanmix. It's so wicked cool, you gotta check it out.

Still have so much to do. Layout/headers for starwarsland and teamempire. Make wallpapers for definexfreedom for the Fall Fandom Free For All. I was going to try to write drabbles for good__evil's Monster Madness but we all saw how well that turned out.


site: good evil, kelly's an idiot, fluffer, fandom, promotion, site: stranger things, writer's block, real life bs, movies: star wars, to-do

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