everything is fleeting, all but the moment.

Jan 11, 2007 23:38

I know why I liked Shortbus so much. It shows so clearly how we’re all just people, these forces of energy, looking and reaching for someone to feel us back. We’re these cardboard cut outs searching for someone to fill the hole. We ravel our lifelines together in complex knots tied tighter by the desire to have someone know us. No, even more- to have someone love us. Both, if possible, but it’s rarely possible.

Well, that’s okay for now. Baby, just keep me warm at night. I wont speak the truth if you wont go. I’ll tell you everything you want to hear, just like you want to hear it. I’m oh so smart, oh so sensitiveandperceptiveandobservant. You wont even have to tell me what to do because I know better than you do. I know you better than you know yourself because you’re just like all the other ones who got free. Let me wrap my lifeline around you so you can't wriggle loose, be mine mine mine.
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