The Best B-day!!!

Jan 21, 2006 18:05

omg last night was sooo amazing i can't stress it enough! ok so it all started when all 9 of my friends came to my house and pre-drank before we started heading down to club Afterlife downtown. so once everyone was nicely tipsy the white strech limo came to pick us up which was OFF THE HOOK!! omg it was soo nice like mirrored ceiling and like lights that change color all over with 4 tv screens and we were BLARING music the whole way down and like dancing lol it was soo jokes we took soo many pics i was blinded lol. we drank in the limo even tho were were absolutly restricted to but whatever we put it in coke cans so it was all good lol we got to the club and we got VIP SERVICE BITCHESsssssssssssss no line up since it when like all the way down Adelaide street and around the block hahaha sucks to be them lol we pulled up and we went right in after some ppl had a smoke *sigh i hate it when my bf smokes lol and we were the last ones let into the club and then they shut the doors lmfao so all of those hundreds of ppl didn't get in lol we are damn special lol suckssssssss to be themmm but anywaz once in the club OH MY let me tell u this is the nicest club it was 3 floors and soo packed it was amzing like we all stuck together and shit but we got lost a couple of times lol we danced all night long and they were like blasting foam from the ceiling and shit omg it was great and u could look down onto the bottom floor from the 2nd floor and watch all the ppl dancing i was soo tempted to spit on sumone but i held myself back because i kno if sumone was to spit on me they wouldn't have a face by the end of the night lol oh man there was soo many jokes stories too but the best was 2 of my friends got into a fight with these girls and the girls ripped my friends finger nail off and ripped my other friends hair to the ground and punched her but they faught back but the other bitches got kicked out of the club lol so we were happy lol they were waiting outside for us with more girls to get us back but we just told the bouncers and they removed them lol ya thats right lol so yeah dancing was soooo good i can't feel my legs today..they are soo sore but it was worth it lol we were on the stages and fuckin doing dance offs with ppl lol it was jokes they had like 4 stages but we only got onto 2 because some fat hores wouldn't get off and im hell not getting in shit with a girl that can eat me lol but all in all it was fun the limo picked us up at like 2 and we were soo tired and we went to a hotdog stand to eat some food since we were starving from all the dancing and got back in the limo to head home. i dind't get to go to bed till like 4am since 3 of my friends slept over and we were chilling and stuff so im sooo tired today and im fer sure not going out tonight since i can't even move from last night lol but it was pimpin i was soo worried that i would have 2 spots missing but my friend came who was also is my other frineds friend so it was all good so only 1 person didn't show up so it was all good in the hood. it was such an amzing b-day and i will fer sure never forget it lol the limo on the way ther was the highlight of the night fer sure lol the funniest shit in the world was when we had to ask him to pull over because everyone had to go pee so my bf went pee on a door and his friend went in a plant infront of a business building LMFAO and my friends tried getting into the bathroom but it was locked so we ran across the street to tim hortons omgg we almost got hit by a car and we go into tim hortons looking like sluts in skirts and everyone was like wtf since we just got out of a limo and ran into the washroom lol it was soo jokes but as for now im gunna go so peace out homies!! xox
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