Apr 17, 2006 20:02
ok so! today was awesome lol. over the weekend someone came onto the campus and spray painted penis' all over the school. LMAO! it was scattered around downstairs. but all upstairs, there was a penis on EVERY DOOR. haha. they put super glue in some of the locks too. its funny. and all the custodians((sp)) had to go painting over it during first block. i wanna like know who did it and shake their hand or something. GAWD! lmao. that was the talk of the day.
after that, my day SUCKED. 1st block was ok, 2nd...fuckin augat ((ERRRR)) once again pisses me off. i swear one of these days, I WILL FLIP ON HER. wanna know whats gonna be bad? the seniors are leaving soon. theres 8 people in my french class...6 of them are seniors. so once they leave its gonna be two of us in the class...shes french 3 and im french 4...and she misses alot of days. so basically..im gonna be stuck with friggen augat for like 2 weeks ALONE, with her annoying self! GOD DAMNIT!! fuck her lol. anyways. 3rd block was GAY, once again another "make-up day" and its been like that for like the last 2 weeks..and she just does to her desk and does her own thing. and me being who i am...i don't do my work. if im not made to do it right then and there, im not gonna do it. and it kinda pisses me off becuz i cant fail again. lmao. my moms punishments suck ass. so ya i did nothing. i like sat there and day dreamed. then...4th block we did AP shit..and stupid AP tests are coming up. i swear, NANCY IS NEVER TAKING ANOTHER AP CLASS. i was struggling from the begining and my mom wouldn't let me switch out. it sucked. i only failed 1st semester...2nd and 3rd i made ((C's)) hopefully i pass this one. its gonna be easy to bring up my english and french grade..((haha WICKED low F's)) i just dont do my homework. ok...
i called my dad after school to see if he'd pick me up at like 3:15 cuz i had to go give a teacher my permission form and money. but my dad said he couldn't come till 4. so i was like "ok whatever" so i went to the teachers classroom..and he wasnt there. so i hurried to the bus loop to try to catch the bus so i wouldn't have to wait a freakin hour. but i was too late. soooo ya all my homiez left me at like 3:30...soooo i was alone till 4:20 when my dad finally came. it was boring as FUCK! remind me to never do that again. it pissed me off. cuz i kept goin to the teachers classroom all day and everytime i went he'd be leaving the room..GRR