Aug 11, 2006 01:37


- Your sex: female.
- Sex of that perfect somebody: male.
- Your age: 18.
- Their age: 18-19
- Your planned degree(s): n/a
- Their planned degree(s):dosn't matter


- Do they smoke? preferably not.
- Do you smoke? no.
- What kind of vehicle do they drive?Mussle.
- Are they on top of world events and politics? nehhh.
- Did you vote in your nation's last big election? No.
- How religious are they?doesn't matter.
- When they disagree with you, they:state they're opinions
- Traits you love: Physical traits: soft hair  soft skin. Personality traits: funny, ,honesty, trustworthy.
- Traits that get to you: in a bad way? COCKY MOTHER FUCKERS. dishonesty, moody.


- If they were an athlete, in what Olympic event would they compete? water polo
- What commercial sport would they want tickets to watch? baseball.
- If they won a free accessory/upgrade to their vehicle, they would get: DNT KNW
- Their favorite computer accessory? ipod?
- If they took you to a concert, it would be of: SOMething id be new too
- If they play one instrument, it would be: Bass/Gutair
- Their dream job might be: something that makes them rich. tehehe.
- Your dream job? RN.


- Do you want children and if so, how many? 2.
- Who would be their primary care provider? yes.
- The greatest thing about kids:How much u love them and will die for them
- The worst thing about kids: the non sence of screaming.
- Would you buy them a car? yes!
- Would you pay for college? yes!
- Would you or your somebody be the primary financial provider? me & my mannnn.
- Divorce is... Pathedic. how can u grow out of love with the person u commited to for the rest of your life?


-Three adjectives that describe you: sarcastic, openminded, lazy.
- Three adjectives that describe them: silly, caring, fun.
- Do they prefer to relax or stay busy? both
- Their goals in life are dynamic, realistic, or impossible? dynamic and realistic.
- Do they prefer spontaneous or well planned? both, in good measure.
- Do they sing in the shower? if i'm lucky.
- Introvert or Extrovert? a bit of both.
- What is difficult to get from them; together time or time apart? neither.


- What skin tone is your perfect somebody? tan.
- Describe their hair: soft and shiny.
-How tall (or short) are they? a bit taller than me 5'10-6'3
- What shape are they (eg. petite, athletic, burly, or like a bouncer)? meh.
- Piercings: Nehhh
- Tattoos: sure.
- When you look at their face, you quickly notice... that it's cute?
- The perfect eye color: green?

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