Sep 13, 2005 20:30
I get bored and come and write in here.
school is school.
best periods included:
art followed by english.
im ready for it to be over.
Me and vicky have clearly noticed it's a shit hole x10000392382382882828328
i mean yes it's always been like that but this year is diff.
one of the hall ladies stoped 3 girls, she told them to pull their shirts down
because their BACKS were showing ONE fucking inch.. ?
one of the girls zipper was down a lil .
then we throw our trash away, and i was like this school and their new fucking security is fucking lame, and she looks at me and vicky and trys to point out flaws about us, and we say what our boobs too big ??? and walk away, omg it was great to bad she didn't send vicky because they were popping out.
Then... as we're walking down the hall the "cop" they have now gets a kid and takes him to the office , he claims the ELMO backpack is gang related.
How pathedic is that really...... Me and vicky head that way anyway because she wanted to change her locker, as we get in the office we are close by And then the cop searches him down and looks through every little single paper he has in his note book and may i include this he reads everyyything bascilly out load. He made that poor kid feel like shit, its pretty sad.
And these new lunch lines, and lunches, sooooooooooooo dumb.
who ever goes to this fucking sad school look out for these things. Seriously