There hasnt been any sign of phil dubnick in a few he ok.

Sep 01, 2001 10:50

Maybe he just followed someone to an other country. I bet they feel awkward.
Coalesce is frikin redix kid.
Detlef Schremph is mediocre.
So is nip. But he's at least cool.
I bought two sweet sweaters yesterday, and ricky was like" i fucking hate you, ive been looking for one like that for years." turns out he didnt like it that much. He didnt even appologize.
Alto just came online. Hooray!(for everything(sucks))
I love it when bands mention themselves in songs. 311 in LA.
Well, we've all been awaiting this for a while, Glen is leaving today. Im honestly sad. I loved him. The worst part is, hes being replaced by a woman. Shits gonna hit the fan if...a)she sucks, or b) shes ugly. It would really suck if she was ugly and sucky. Which is probable.
Cindy Sidlowskiiiiiii.
Take care.
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