(no subject)

Nov 03, 2010 12:58

augh augh I am SO UPSET about the election!! espesh in my STATE!! I know people just voted in Kirk because he's a moderate and people like him IN SPITE of his party and also Blago fucked things up but the Republicans are going to be total dicks about this. what the fuck Michael Steele, nobody rejected anybody's presidency, they just fuckin' like Mark Kirk okay? I'm from his district for fucks sake. DEMOCRATS LIKE HIM they think he'll promote bipartisanship or whatever. AUGH AUGH AUGH I feel horrible now for not voting, but I was drawin' literally all day and how do you even do absentee voting anyway?? he better not toe the party line or I'll be fuckin' angry. this shit about tsunamis and the heartland is already setting off alarm bells. MARK KIRK YOU SPOKE AT MY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I didn't get mad when my dad went to your fundraiser don't let me down now.

um in brighter news, everyone should go read Odd and the Frost Giants, it is literally the adventures of Don Blake and the real Norse Gods. also my Halloween was sweet as hell, and Ali says I can move in if Priscilla drops out and goes to Korea like she says she might.

politics and shit, my life, awful at journals

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