(no subject)

Nov 02, 2007 17:11

So I've been out of the loop lately. Sorry. Last week I got a huge wakeup call on school work and have been working my butt off since. This week I've done 4 of 6 acrylic paintings (same portrait, 6 different color schemes) in art. I had three papers due monday (I did 2 of those, but one was a one page hw, more than an essay) and a huge paper due tuesday. I had a root canal on tuesday. So I spazzed myself out about that.
Last saturday's party was tragic. Uhm... we had all the same people as we used to party with last year, but it was the most awkward party everrrrr. Everyone agreed. Yvonne came with Kevin, who ASKED to be invited, got told "no" and asked a different roommate, and got told yes. Admittedly, Ben didnt know Frank said no, but still. To ASK to be invited to a party, and then to bring somebody NOONE likes? That caused hella drama. Like Bethany throwing water on Yvonne, and Kevin getting kicked out of the party. Ben litterally had to hold Frank back from punching Kevin. He woulda won, too, no doubt about it. And, go figure, Kevin was dressed as a dick. Making it hillariously ironic everytime someone tried to describe his actions during the party. "He was being such a..... dick." And to top it all off, the cops showed up... WHEN THERE WERE ONLY 10 PEOPLE LEFT AT THE HOUSE. 10 people, no music, half passed out, and everyone else SOBER. Fucking cops. Didn't do anything, though. Couldn't do anything. But what.ev.

Halloween itself was no big deal. I almost forgot what day it was, but I dressed in orange and grey as the best I could do. It was niiiiice weather for it, tho. I wished I were younger enough to go trick or treating, or lived in a place kids would come to. Instead we went to Maria's for dinner. I dressed up as a female version of Eddie from Rocky Horror Picture Show - but we ended up not going. There will be pics on facebook within half an hour.

My sister is interviewing at Hollister today. XD And all dressed in their style. Karen sent me a pic in txt. Wish her good luck!
My sister is confusing me - she participated in Bench this year - They won triple crown. She knew the Homecoming court. She is doing well in classes. She's ALWAYS busy ie. NEVER at home. And dressing in Hollister clothes?!?!?!?!
I'm so proud that my little sister is turning preppy!! <33<33 Ps. if you tell her I said that, I'll shoot you.

Homecoming tomorrow. I LOVE homecoming week on campus. Going w/ Mitch tonight to the dance at the Newman Center (church). Will miss the bonfire for that, though. Boo. Not waking up early enough to see the parade tomorrow. Not going to the game - they changed the way Zona Zoo passes work and I don't have the $$ to buy a real ticket.
But excited all the same.

Playing UCLA. we'd BETTER win again.

Anna called me in the middle of the night, drunk, and locked in a bathroom to hide from a creepy guy. I got scared and texted Pat to make sure she was ok. She's fine, I talked to her today. I'venever heard her so drunk - it was hillarious.

Going to B's bf's party tonight, after the dance, I believe.
My costume is a harem girl. Or I dream of Genie. Or Jasmine from Aladin, but purple. Dunno how else to describe it, but I made it myself. And didn't take pics - ooooops. XD!!
Noone else did, either.

I was talking to Erik lately and realized that I haven't taken anyyyy pics this semester. I'm uploading the few I have, and a few from over the summer, but that's really all I got. I feel sad.

Next semester = more.

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