school suckssss

May 17, 2007 15:39

ok so i read my journal entry from last year.
i was complaining about the same shit im complaining about now haha.
thats so ridiculous!

i got a 63 in math. im so dissapointed in myself. mother effer. its not like a i dont try in that class. i mean, i do really well on homework, and i feel like im prepared for tests and quizes, and when i take them, i feel pretty confident about them. then, i get them back...d's f's maybe a c if im lucky.
its so frustrating.

and physics. HAH! that class is seriously a joke. im wasting my time in there. i hate it.

i cant wait until this year is over. its sucked. in so many ways. and it doesnt seem to be getting any better. god picked the worst year to throw all this ish at me. im not going to college man.

ok sooooo, i worked tonight. it was acutlly a lot of fun. matt is like the best. hes pretty much the only other reason i work there besides the money lol!

DANCE REHEARSAL TOMORROWWWW! im pretty excited. =] recital on saturday and six flags on sunday! its gonna be a good weekend! =D!

iight, time to clean my room. yes im cleaning my room at 10:00 at night becuase we have fuckin people coming to see the house tomorrow.
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