Because you live and breath and make me believe in myself when nobody else can help..

Jan 03, 2005 00:19

Im going to start where all the Pre-New Year partying started.

Thursday: David picked Nicki and me up and took us to Connor's where KTJ and Justin already were (they are so adorable!) we hung out and Connor and I ordered Chinese for our late lunch. I invited whoever was left to come back to my house to eat spaghetti- Justin, Connor, and Nicki headed up to my hizzie. Nicki had to leave at 10 thinking she was going to New Orleans on Friday... but Justin and Connor hung out until about 11 watching the second Blue Collar Comedy Tour.

Friday: Nicki came to pick me up to go to Justin's and help clean, but we ended up traveling all over with my mom in search of some where to adopt doggies. Got to Justin's late. Went to KTJ's to hang with her and change.. Did the whole new years party thing... Midnight rolled around (good times).. and a lot of people left.. around 3 AM the girls (Ellen, Katie, Nicki, and myself) met up with the guys (Justin, Brandon, Craig, Connor, and David) and got into a little mischief.

Saturday: The girls went over to the guys house and woke their butts up. I got locked in Justins room with him and Katie.. they were in the same bed and I remember Katie saying "Justin get your hand out of my pants! That tickles!" and then hearing Justin saying something like "Katie dont touch me there your hands are cold!" (they werent doing anything like you are thinking.. gah.. perv) Went to Waffle House.. then came home showered. Had my goodbye dinner with my brother.. went to Connor's. Got home at like 11:45.

Nicki and I went out to eat and ordered this for desert...

But then... something happend.. and it disappeared!

Oops! it wasnt magic. It was two hungry girls.
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