Mar 12, 2006 19:48
such a beasting weekend!
in short-
went home from school to sarahs, had ages to get ready a grand change. Went up to Nivs getting SO lovst on the way. Saw sdome people that i havnt seen in ages! loved it!
GRand party except that i was stuck in a toilet for over an hour helping this practically comotosed guy. why is it always me?
then dave and tyler came to get us and we pottered over to see whiteside and fairley. ended up in THE scankyest bar ever, were Sarah and i stood out like sore thumbs being in dresses and all. Got LEFT and STRANDED in a random street. Really ahsd to pee but refused to use a bush. Went to WHitesides then went home.
had a great jammie day sweeping up dust. Got ready, nbad dry skin-was thankfully solved. Away for dinner- an expensive dinner! and then over to Fairleys. was a great party apart frombeing stalked lol. A wee drive and kissing in the snow. Snowed in and crashed at Whitesides. woke up looking dreadful! but its all good.
Such an amazing weekend, did not want it to end!
Joey Negro
parties, pubs and dancing
love you sweetheart! Glad things are back to the right way :D
missed a few certain people
just a shame that i have to feel guilt about not being somewhere