(no subject)

Dec 28, 2005 01:34

no cut because i can.


1. Did you have a new year's resolution this past year? i can't remember. i don't think so.
2. Who kissed you at midnight? no one
3. Where were you at 12:00? with danielle?
4. Do you like hot chocolate? hot chocolate is love
5. Have you ever been to times square to watch the ball drop? nope.
6. Most memorable moment of January? ohh shitt tatnuck square show with bryanna!


1. Who was your valentine in 2005? ...
2. What did your valentine get you? ...
3. When you were little, did you buy valentines for your whole class? COURSE
4. Stand out event of February: not sure


1. Are you Irish? chea
2. Do you wear green on St. Patty's Day? uh duh
3. What did you do for St. Patty's Day in 2005? parade & such
4. Stand out activity from March: boy<3


1. Do you like the rain? yeah especially playing in it
2. Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone this year? yeeahh
3. Do you get tons of candy on easter? not really.
5. Why April rocked: again, boy.


1. What's your favorite kind of flower? carnations
2. Do you like the spring? yes. very much so
3. What's the best part of May? the whole month. i don't remember
4. What was the most important part of May? not sure


1. What year did/do you graduate from school? 07.
2. Did you go on any vacations last June? florida x2.
3. How did you celebrate graduation? i haven't graduated; but have gone to graduation parties
4. Best part of June: meeting the sam clouette & tatnuck show


1. What did you do on the 4th of July? worked & hung with danielle at the house, until i forced parents to take us to fireworks
2. Do you go on any vacations during this month? florida
3. What defines July to you? ocean, brian's boat, shows, sun, friends
4. What made July great? vacation was amazing, and so are friends


1. Did you do anything special to end off your summer? AH no.
2. What was your favorite summer memory of '05? god; daily mall trips, shows, random car rides with boiiz
3. Do you go swimming a lot in the summer? yes. i own a pool
4. Do you go to the beach a lot? not as much as i used to, sadly
5. Define August in 5 words or less: sad/amazing/stressful/fun/hilarious


1. Did you attend school/college in '05? school;yes
2. Who is/was your favorite teacher? AH. coach d!
3. Do you like fall better than summer? no way
4. Most memorable part of September? learning how to stencil/FS poolside photoshoot with bryanna!


1. What was your favorite halloween costume ever? pink power ranger.
2. What's your favorite candy? m&m's
3. What did you dress up like this year? 80's grrl
4. Best part of October? leicester crew <3 LOD's


1. Whose house do you usually go to for thanksgiving? my family + danielle's at my house
2. Do you like stuffing? chea
3. What are you thankful for? friends and family
4. What stands out the most about November? my dad hating me most of the month


1. Do you celebrate christmas? haha silly question; of course!
2. Have you ever been kissed under mistletoe? nope.
3. What do you want this year for christmas? christmas is over; but i wanted an mp3 player & a camera, i got the camera
4. What's the best present you ever got for Christmas? amazing camera, i guess?
5. Do you like cold weather? NOT AT ALL. i loathe the coldness
6. What are you waiting for the most for this December? the new year to come!

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