OOC: CR Chart, Vatheon

Oct 26, 2020 15:45

Taken from Bewails@LJ
If I missed out on anyone or if you want me to use a different icon, comment away! Take note, this is a constant WIP.


spanking_angels | Bayonetta

Relationship: ♥♥♥♥♥

Damn me to hell but I love her. I love her so much you have no idea. I guess I've got Vatheon to thank for this. I know she can look out for herself but... if anyone tries to hurt her, they've got me to answer to. I promised I wouldn't mess up again and I'm going to make good on that promise.

hollosea | Kingdom Hearts

Relationship: ♥♥♥

He's a serious guy; the strong silent type. Leon and I have the same goal when it comes to this place so I guess I can call him a 'colleague in the field' when it comes to figuring out the secrets of Vatheon. He's the kind I think I can trust. Vatheon's crazy enough and I'm glad I found someone with a firm head on their shoulders.

libraria | Mahou Sensei Negima


She's a sweet girl. Seems that she cares a lot about relationships and the people she meets. Nodoka's kind of shy. I wonder why. Well, I guess some guys like the shy type though. A little too young for me. She strikes me as really nice though. She was the first one to get me a Christmas present: a stuffed kitten. Ironic? Yeah, I think so.

loackandkeyblade | Kingdom Hearts

Relationship: ♥♥♥

Seems he's been through a lot. His optimism's infectious, though and I have to thank him for the little pick me up when I was down. He's a sweet kid and at least he likes the stuff I bring him. Well, he likes my muffins at least. I guess you can say he's getting to be kind of like a kid brother to me.

to_takamagahara | Okami

Relationship: ♥♥

I knew there was something off the first time I saw her. I never thought I'd meet a goddess here in Vatheon. She's pretty playful, too. Totally blew everything I thought about deities out the window. I wouldn't mind hanging around her more. Wish I could talk to her though.

ninthserenade | Kingdom Hearts

Relationship: ♥

This guy seems to get in a lot of trouble. Seems alright though. Guess he's just unlucky?

demonmilk | Devil May Cry

Relationship: --

Honestly, I'm torn between hating and liking the guy. He's not that bad, I guess. Sure, I'm a little jealous but at least he doesn't rub it in my face... much. But whatever makes her happy, right?

...Maybe he's not so bad. MAYBE.

Iron Maiden Jeanne
ironyloli | Shaman King

Relationship: ♥

She's a sweet girl. Makes me think that she hasn't been out in the world much and everything seems to new and fascinating to her. Nothing like the last Jeanne I met. The name's pronounced the same, too.

shard_finder | InuYasha

Relationship: ♥

Nice girl. Seems like she likes to help people out. She managed to pay me back for that little moment where Bayonetta and I caught her off guard (More of Bayonetta's fault, not mine.) by asking me a bunch of... personal questions. Guess I owe her.

lacking_wings | Star Ocean

Relationship: ♥♥

Blair... I don't know where she comes from but it sounds kind of messed up. We're working on something together, though! She found a radio station and if we fix it up right I feel like we can do a world of good for Vatheon.

livedagain | Harry Potter

Relationship: ♥

I decided to give him a hand when he had a little trouble baking a while ago. Maybe I can give him a hand in the kitchen sometime.

!cr, !ooc

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