lOvE hAppeNs wiThOut reAsOn<3

Jan 12, 2005 07:42

when you find someone that knows everything yOU want....

theres a reason they know it.. <3

stOle iT fROm hOllz*i lOve yOu tOnsssssssss! cNt wAit till thIs wKnD!!! :)

Well hEy yAll i def wOke up lAte tOday :-/ its 745 lol n i wOke up @t 616 & i nORmAlly wAke up @ lyk 550 so yeA wAs kindA lAte sO nOw im wAitin on dAddy tO geT rDy sO he cAn tAke me 2 schOOl. but yeAa not A lOts hAs been gOin chuRch tOnight yAy gEt tO sEe aLL mY chuRchiEs! :) i lOve yAll*& i betteR see miss hOlly hiGhtOweR theRe tOnight! lAutZ iS cOmin wiTh me yAAAAy! i lOOOOvee yOOOuuu! bUt yeA nOt a lOts hAppenin' oohhhh gOt GATLINBURG this wknd w/ thA chuRch heCk yEsss im sO xCited i lOVED gAtlinbURg lAst yr :) & im rly reAdy tO open my heart up 2 the LoRd agAin like @ YEC and let him rlly wOrk inside me, cuz i knOw i need him tOo, i meAn whO dOesnT? but yeA sO im rLy xCitEd. & onCe aGAin im SOOO siked bOut my rOom im in..itS mE-hOllz-kERsEtEn-andddd ouR WONDERFUL chApeROne..KIRAAA!!! yayyy haha sad news is we prOb wOnt b abLe tO pull anymOre aLL niGhtErs wiTh aS lOng aS we'Re staYin thERe lOl buT oH wEll..we'll have a fReAKin blAst i cnt wait..I LOVE THOSE GIRLS!

bUt yeAa dAddY's gOnna bE rDy sOon sO im OuTtTt...hOllerrrr haha

i lOve yAll sO muCh-hOpe evERyOne hAs A gOod rSt oF tHe wEeK*


Being a Christian is like bein a pumpkin. God lifts you up, takes you in, and washes all the dirt off you. He opens you up, touches you deep inside and scoops out all the yucky stuff including the seeds of doubt, hate, greed..  Then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside you to shine for all the world to see.

AWE! i aBsOluTeLy lOve tHAaAt!

..I lOvE yOu..
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