Dec 31, 2004 18:44
Hey Yall-Got My tOnsils taKen OuT..TaLk aBouT sOmE pAiN :( uGh! This sucks SO bad not bein able 2 eat anything :( except stupid soup that is. but i get lotsa slushies and milkshakes n all that yummmmmmy stuff its juss not as good cause i cant get the full flavor w/ how little i can swallow :( oh well...
*Thanx yall who have came n visited me n called me n everything yall are SO sweet :) ive got enough bath stuff and lotion 2 last me forever hehe yay!
..But yeah im gettn sick again so imma go lay down :( hope 2 see/hear from yall soon! xOx
HAPPY NEW YEARS :) Cor.Cor N GutZy are cOmin over 2 stay with me 2nite yayyy :) there such AWESOME friends i LOVE you girls SO much!!! xoox
<333 COurTnEy