
Dec 29, 2004 22:32

Ah Hey Yall! I juss gOt back from hangin Out with KirA* Ah i lOve that girl sO much haha shes so funny-she cracks me up! me n hOlly bOth haha right hOllz?? but yeah thanks sO much 4 everything tOday girl yOur the absOlute BEST! :)

But bOut tO gO 2 bed..its like 10:30 haha cuz mama is makin me gO 2 bed early because i have SURGERY TOM! agh :( i dOnt gettn my tOnsils taken Out..OUCHHH!!! gOtta be there @t 630 i think?? surgery is @t 8 thOugh.. :( im sO SCARED & NERVOUS though ahhh! *EVERYBODY PLEASE PRAY 4 ME :)*

But yeah..feel freeeeee 2 cOme n visit me yall :) i wOuld absOlutely lOve it..juss gimme a call On my cellular and cOme Onnnnn! lOl Or yOu can suprise me lOl but yeahh! HOpe 2 see sOme of yall Or hear from ya! :) But dOnt laugh @t me if im drugged up when i talk 2 ya haha cuz i will be. lOl

But im Out yall talk 2 yall later i guess? lOl idk when i'll be back On here..

*LeaVe mE sOmE cOmMeNtS yALL*

<333 lOvE lOvE


CoR.cOr- AH NEW YEARS :)! cNt waIt gIrL yOur tHe gReAtEsT fRiEnD eVeR! i lOvE yOu! hEy N cAn yOu cAlL GuTz* bOuT iT 4 mE pLeAsE N tElL hEr 2 cOmE tOo..cUz sHe dOesNt hAvE nE pLaNs N sHe sAiD shE'd cOme! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH GIRL! xOx bF4L*

GarDnaR-- i lOve yOu gIrL! :) cNt waIt tiLL yOu cOmE ovEr! cAlL mE whEn yOuR fReE!

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