Jun 30, 2006 03:17
BettyBoop8714: i like cows
BettyBoop8714: and sheep
xLilHrdcoreGrlx: they go in the lake sometimes
BettyBoop8714: they are pretty cool
xLilHrdcoreGrlx: we see them when we're fishing
BettyBoop8714: THEY GO IN A LAKE!?!
xLilHrdcoreGrlx: yeah!
BettyBoop8714: cows swimming>
BettyBoop8714: holy crap
xLilHrdcoreGrlx: i'll take pictures for you
BettyBoop8714: i wish you could see how hard i was laughing right now becuase of the mental image i just pictured
BettyBoop8714: woah
BettyBoop8714: but for real
BettyBoop8714: goodnight
xLilHrdcoreGrlx: hahaha night
xLilHrdcoreGrlx: wanna know what you're missing out on in america?
xLilHrdcoreGrlx: haha
nightisinacoma: what?
xLilHrdcoreGrlx: GIGANTIC ziploc bags.
nightisinacoma: how big?
xLilHrdcoreGrlx: HUGE
xLilHrdcoreGrlx: like the size of trash bags
nightisinacoma: human size?
xLilHrdcoreGrlx: and biger
xLilHrdcoreGrlx: almost!
nightisinacoma: is there any reason for this madness?
xLilHrdcoreGrlx: i don't know what ziploc planned them for, but they're AMAZING for packing last minute shit that doesn't fit in your suitcase.
nightisinacoma: hahaha
xLilHrdcoreGrlx: i love it
nightisinacoma: i need a picture of it sealed with you in it!
nightisinacoma: hahaha
xLilHrdcoreGrlx: i wo'nt fit in the ones i have
nightisinacoma: lame
xLilHrdcoreGrlx: but someday i will get the super big bags and do that for you
xLilHrdcoreGrlx: haha
nightisinacoma: AWESOME