Tonight was awesome! I went to the mall with LIZ..which is enough reasoning for it being awesome =).There was like hardly anyone there so we stayed there for about 4 hours. I got my hair dye and a few other things. "Shayna..these are my hooker boots" we were about to leave the mall we were singing and some people looked at us and accourding to some lady we remind her of "the twins.." we were leaving the mall Liz decided she wanted to go into American Eagle Outfitter. So we go in there and I'm just watching her look at stuff and she decides that it would be fun to dress me up in "preppy clothes"..yah it wasn't fun, well for me anyways..but I'm glad she enjoyed it. On the way home Liz and I wore sunglasses..cuz that's the kewl thing to do at night. When we were on the highway we saw fireworks..okay not like that for anyone who's thinking that way. I mean ACTUAL fireworks lol with the colors..the things in the sky haha. But yah it was very pretty and unexpected. Although I did miss the loud "booms!" though but other then that it was perfect. We took a few pictures of us with our sunglasses on aswell. "Liz..look at you and your movie star smile" xD..hehe anyways LIZ KICKS ASS...just thought I'd share that with you..oh and she's mine, you can't have her soo there :P haha.