so um since i last updated i been...hangin out with ian...hangin out with ian kyle n jim....being with britt n caitlin....went out with holly....thursday i recall me n nicole went to the mall n bought tons n tons of naughty things! it rawked!...then that nite i recall hanign with jus caitlin n then kelsey h came over and dustin! woo0!!! friday-sunday around 2 i babysat jessi for the whole weekend!!! then went to ians....last nite i was sick as effbut still went out with brittany n caitlin to places!! today=sick as eff to but ian n i might do sumfin idk
jus been being me..u kno how i do!!
heres random photos i found in my room the other day:
holly n i(lickin her face)
leah by the pool...this makes me wish it was summer
holly n lauren on the tree n leah! 9th grade homecoming!
leah(9th grade homecoming)
leah with her tounge out as always!!
leah n glad u cant see his face!
yes that cool kid is me! at the school halloween room
ya we were really u can tell by holly in the pic
leah..morning after all drunk after homecoming 11th grade
holly n myself...jello twister party at leahs a lil bored n started sliding on it!!