
Dec 09, 2004 11:51

:) yesterday rawked i spent all day from 1130-10 with ian...that boy rawks my freaken universe i swear!! haha umm ian has a bed tv and chair in the upstairs part of the garage n HE SLEEPS in there sumtimes...i told him that id b scared of bats n coons n wut not n he informed me that he actually had bats flyin around n he wasnt scared or ne thing he jus watched them "run into things" it was insane! ne ways we jus did stuff for his dad...watched the second bourne identity n a movie called pitch black!...o yes ian fell down the stairs! everytime im at his house i swear he falls down the stairs!!! n his new cat paint im goin to take as well as pinky(not really but there so cute..etc)....ian i had so much fun with u yesterday u r by far the only person i can spend all day with n not get sick of for one second!n plus we make everything fun! i loved it when we shot guns yesterday to that was funny no?...sept u got me sick ian!!!

and as for the 411 on my stalker! he was released n is currently 6hrs away..he is living near hollys boyfriend broderick! broderick lucas n his friends idk r gona jump matt for stalkin me n also apparently he use to harrass broderick cuz he is black n matt doesnt like black ppl so him stalkin me gave him more reason to wana do so! thanks broderick,lucas n whoever else beat him up!!! atleast i kno were he is tho so it helps me b not scared to go outside ne more...sepcially after the time he was jus sittin in my driveway staren out my house waitin for me to come out! thank god i saw him before i went outside n called the police no? woah sum ppl!!
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