school starts tomorrow

Aug 15, 2005 12:42

ok, so i finally got around to getting me schedule today. it was a big fucking mess. they were all very rude. i hate dealing with the bitch in the counselor's office. they wouldn't give my step-sister her schedule because we moved and they needed a proof of our address. my dad brought a tax return form up and they fixed it but they still wouldn't give her freaking schedule.

Nicole: =\ Fucking pricks. I wanted to get my schedule so I could get my books without having to go after school. But noo, this is too difficult for their little brains to comprehend. :[

here's my schedule:

-Semester 1-
zero hour: english IV- Neal
1st per.: algebra II- Crocker
2nd per.: video tech- Powell
3rd per.: Nutri/FS 12- Swisher
4th per.: Latin II- Tuck
5th per.: Economics- Drum
6th per.: IPC- Smith

-Semester 2-
zero hour: english IV- Neal
1st: algebra II- crocker
2nd: Video tech- Powell
3rd: Food Science TC 12- Swisher
4th: latin II- tuck
5th: government /economics- drum
6th: ipc- smith

-semester 3-
zero hour: same
1st: same
2nd: visual media 12- powell
3rd: family health 12- swisher
4th: same
5th: government- drum
6th: same

-semester 4-
zero hour: same
1st: same
2nd: latin II- tuck
3rd: ipc- smith

yep so that's it... quit askin me

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