Hehe, remember this? I already saw the first episode when you said you loved the show so I decided to go forth and keep watching! :) Finished it today, I love it too! By the way, I'm almost done season 2 of How I Met Your Mother. Where are you at?
Oh yeah, I remember! Sorry, haha, I wasn't sure. ANYWAY, I wish S2 was already out. ;__; CAN'T WAIT. AND yay for How I met your mother. Legen...wait for it and I hope you're not lactose-intolerant because the next word is DAIRY, YEAH!
I'm still at Season 1 (rewatching all of them), haven't had the time lately. D:
What? Season 2 is coming out! I never knew! When? Season 1 was way good, I wonder how they're going to top that. It has to be better or I won't be satisfied. S1 had a nice ending, I hope at the beginning of the new season Hank doesn't wake up from a dream. That'd be depressing for me ):
Haaa, oh gosh I love HIMYM. I've been busy watching other shows and I'm excited to get back to it!
I already saw the first episode when you said you loved the show so I decided to go forth and keep watching! :) Finished it today, I love it too!
By the way, I'm almost done season 2 of How I Met Your Mother. Where are you at?
AND yay for How I met your mother. Legen...wait for it and I hope you're not lactose-intolerant because the next word is DAIRY, YEAH!
I'm still at Season 1 (rewatching all of them), haven't had the time lately. D:
Season 1 was way good, I wonder how they're going to top that. It has to be better or I won't be satisfied. S1 had a nice ending, I hope at the beginning of the new season Hank doesn't wake up from a dream. That'd be depressing for me ):
Haaa, oh gosh I love HIMYM. I've been busy watching other shows and I'm excited to get back to it!
But yeah, I'd also be sad if it was a dream because the ending was good! (=
Rawr! :D
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