Oct 28, 2004 14:56
just how retarded i actually am. it's a sad thing.
Terrific T bone: i might ge combat back tomorrow
Terrific T bone: i might ge combat back tomorrow!
mutexthexscene: i feel really retarded but i don/t what that means. feel free to roll your eyes numerous times at my ignorance.
Terrific T bone: the puppy.
Terrific T bone: i named it combat
mutexthexscene: oooh
Terrific T bone: hahaha.
mutexthexscene: lol
mutexthexscene: wow am i stupid.
mutexthexscene: i was thinking you mean something with the marines
mutexthexscene: hahaha
Terrific T bone: i dont know if i even told you that for not - so it's okay
mutexthexscene: but thats way awesome
Terrific T bone: i know combat - it's tuff.
oh my gosh. talk about doofus.