"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love.,.,and be loved,.,.,.,in return"

Mar 09, 2005 16:04


I'm going to post this poem again because its how i feel right now.,.,.Donnie, is possably, well.,.,cheating on me. As much as i hate to say it.,.,as much as i don't want to even think it. he may.,.,and.,.,i don't know why.,.,how could he possably do this to me! Claiming he s'posedly "loved me" yeah.,.,bunch of fucking lies those were. I hope he isn't though, because he did this to me once. if he did it again.,.,.,i don't know what i would do. Tran, become friends with this girl that he may be 2 timeing me with. i'll paste the whole convo tran and this fucking bitch had once Tran is done talking to her.,.,.,

It's surprising all the hate we feel
All this betrayal making it real.
You fucking liar, I hope you die.
While praying this, I simply sigh.
All this fucking shit I take.
I want to watch you fall and break.
You lie straight to you heart's content
Not thinking of how much it meant.
"Make yourself happy without the others
We weren't even so mch as lovers."
Something that you recite
inside your head each and every night.
You don't even realize what you did
You're too self-centered and act like a kid.
This may not make any sense to you,
But this poem is about the stupid shit you do.
Emotions are just a thing without meaning,
Until you end up breaking and screaming.
I'd love to watch this happen, too
But not to me, nor a friend, just motherfucking you.

This is the conversationg they had.,.,.,

Tran = my favorite j-rock band is diren grey, that's, how i got the name drain away,  (it's my fav. song)
SLUT = cool
Tran = how did you get your name for ds?
SLUT = my friend made it up for me..donnie if u didnt figure that out...lol
Tran = well, yeah, but i'm slow and all, how did you get the "made me" part? i'm confused like that, forgive me
SLUT = lol..i dont know...he made it up
Tran = well that's awesome, none of my friends would do that for me...
SLUT = aww...that sux
Tran = is donnie your boyfriend or something, because i don't know when you last updated your pro.
SLUT = well not yet...he asked me out but i told him that i didnt want to go out with him until he was here...he's moving here this summer
Tran = really? that's awesome!
SLUT = yeah it is...he's the bomb.com

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