
May 30, 2012 11:50

I'm really afraid to ask this, but is "magical school" a genre now? Did it start with Harry Potter?

*sigh* When I was 16, I made a story about a magical school, and when I found out that Harry Potter existed, I was SO PISSED. I'm older now, so I can see how different they are and it's not that big of a deal...unless everyone starts complaining that a "magical school" genre is overdone and too Harry-Potter-ish.

I also used to get jealous because everyone would talk about how she had research files for each character and how amazing that was, and I was like, hello? That is so commonplace for me. lol I was so emotional about my art and stories. Maybe I still am, and it's why I can never bring myself to do them... (I'm lying. I've been getting back into the groove slowly. It's still hard sometimes, though.)

This is my most epic story, so I hope it's not just brushed off as a cliche piece of shit after I put the most work into it.

It has a lot of Neopagan elements in it too, it's very strange. This was before I knew Neopaganism existed, before I knew people still actually practiced magic, before I knew that Wicca was a religion and not a term that meant "ancient witchcraft".

Come to think of it...a lot of my stories as a teen included hints and elements of things that I did not yet realize existed. It's kind of fun. The one I'm currently working on meshed really well with Visual kei and Gothic Lolita elements, so I decided to amp them up and just add those specific cultures.

Well, this week, I seem to be doing ok as far as productivity goes. Ok as in average, as in C. I'm cutting myself some slack for having swollen toes for longer than I expected. I need to go grocery shopping, but hell if that's happening today. I'll have to be creative tomorrow in regards to meals.

I'm gonna work on my exciting new website now...

random, my day

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