1: What was the first thing you did in 2012? Give my husband a kiss and finish watching videos on CollegeHumor.
2: Do you think we will really all die this year? I don't think we will ALL die. But I hope something dramatic happens because this world sucks balls.
3: What was the best thing that happened to you in 2011? WE MOVED!!!! :D!!!
4: What was the worst? Acen...ugh
5: How many people did you kiss in 2011? If this is about romantic kissing, just my husband.
6: What do you want to happen this year? To finally quit working normal jobs and become an artist x_x
7: What are your 2012 goals? Become an artist, visit Tokyo, mayyyybe have a kid.
8: Tell us something that we might find surprising about your 2011. Absolutely nothing!
9: What do you want to happen this year that didn't happen last year? I didn't exercise enough or do enough physical activity, so I want to do that now.
10: Have you made any new friends yet this year? YES!
tanyad and a few other Dragon Age fans, hiii :D
11: Is there any body modifications planned for this year? (i.e. piercings, tattoos, hair dye, etc) Henna sucks, I may go back to my favorite red hair dye.
12: What was the first thing you bought in 2012? A bottle of Yoohoo.
13: What did you hate about 2011? Learning the fact that I can't work as many hours as normal people without going insane.
14: What was the most interesting thing to happen this year so far? I put the computer desk together and rearranged the items on the shelves in my art room. It's amazing what a difference all this makes! It looks like a real art room now, and it's still a mess!
15: Tell us a secret about 2011. This isn't a secret; I don't think I have any, because I post about everything that happens. I did happen to notice that a year ago, during 2011, I wanted to move my focus from gothloli toward art, and I think I managed to do that a little bit. Wow @ how long I wanted to give up Lolita but couldn't make myself do it.