With all the recent news of the actual Dragon Age 3, I figure it's about time I wrap this up.
1. Favorite Dragon Age game (Ie: Origins, Awakening, Dragon Age 2) 2. Favorite character 3. Least favorite character 4. Favorite Love Interest 5. Least favorite Love Interest 6. Your Warden’s story 7. Favorite quest 8. Least favorite quest 9. Favorite class (ie; mage, warrior, rogue, assassin, healer…) 10. Favorite party banter 11. Favorite song from the soundtracks 12. OTP 13. Mages or Templars? 14. Character you wish was a romance option 15. Your favorite “Bro” 16. Your ultimate team from all games 17. Favorite Origins story 18. Character you are most like 19. Character who’d be your best friend 20. Character you wouldn’t get along with 21. Favorite villain 22. Favorite NPC 23. Scene you wish you could change the outcome of the most 24. Most shocking scene 25. Scene that made you cry 26. Crack OTP 27. Best part of the games 28. Worst part of the games 29. If you made a deal with a demon what would your bargain be? 30. Hopes for Dragon Age 3
I'll do my best to list these as though I didn't already hear news about it. Seems like not everyone wants to hear spoilers about it so I won't say whether or not it's actually supposed to happen (which some of it is!! Joy!).
~ The art and narrative animation was incredible. The specialization trees also kicked ass. They must keep all this.
~ No more fucking repeat maps. I want each cave to not look like the same cave each time.
~ The equip function for armor and all seemed too watered-down. I want to be able to change my companions' armor. DA:O felt complicated in this respect, though, so I want them to aim for a happy medium.
~ I'm hoping the decisions I make will actually matter this time, more like a choose-your-own-adventure novel.
~ Fenris cameo ftw, so long as he isn't all messed-up like Zevran was in DA2.
~ More awesome chars and romance options, less emo dudes. OOH! What if you could romance one of the antagonists!?
~ I want to know wtf is up with Morrigan's demon baby. Also, what happened with the dwarves in Orzammar with all that King drama? Aw shit...in order for all of this to import to DA3, I'll have to play DA2 over again after playing Origins and Awakening, won't I? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
There is no way I'm playing 3 of the same Hawkes over again. But how can I pick a favorite? ARGH maybe I'll just play the first two over...or just add more Hawkes to my repertoire after playing Origins several times.
I'm never going to finish Okami at this rate, am I? I was SO CLOSE to completing that, too. I'm the girl who takes months, even years, to complete a game...and here I am ignoring said games to play a different game multiple times in the span of 2-3 months. Never saw it coming.