(no subject)

Jan 29, 2005 14:43

Tell her you think she is cool. Tell her why you think she is so cool. Smell her hair. Talk to her in movie theatres. Pick her up and pretend you’re going to throw her in the pool; she’ll scream and fight, but secretly, she’ll love it. Hold her hand while you talk. Hold her hand while you drive. Tell her she looks pretty. Let her pay for stuff if she wants to. Introduce her to your friends as the coolest girl you know. Look at her in the eye when you talk to her. Protect her. Tell her stupid jokes. Let her mess with your hair. Look at her like she’s the only girl you’ve seen, even if she says stop. When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Call her. Call her back if she calls you. Get mad, then kiss her. Give her space if she needs it. Tease her. Let her tease you back. Stay up with her all night when she’s sick. Teach her guitar. Kiss her forehead. Take her to cool places, and let her take you to even cooler ones. Lets her wear your clothes. When she’s sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if she’s not saying anything. Be slow. Don’t push anything. Buy her ice cream. Make her feel loved. Kiss her in the rain and when you fall in love with her, tell her.

cool cause that will never happen
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