Nov 05, 2003 00:38
what do you do when you're lazy, not as serious as every other gay guy, but not as annoying...?
what do you do when you hate gay clubs specifically because there are always only beautiful white boys around... and this is a problem because my preference IS white boys. but when i see that so many of them are beautiful i want to despise them and their white privilege?
what do you do when you're 5 hrs away from your 4 best friends, one of which is ill and you have no means of contacting her at all because of the situation she is in and all you do is want to be there for her?
what do you do when you start to think, maybe she doesn't want you to be there for her...?
what do you do when you're sick of class but it's the only way to do something you're convinced you don't need a degree to do?
what do you do when you hate one of your professors a lot and you can't do anything about it, not even talk bad about her behind her back?
what do you do when you can't let go of yesterday? and the day before that? and the day before that? and that weird thing that happened to you that you're deathly afraid of people finding out but think it's funny at the same time?
what do you do when you haven't left your apartment all day or haven't had ANY human contact at all?
what do you do when you're so bored you want to shoot yourself, but at the same time you just wanna be left alone?
what do you do when you have 2000 homework assignments and you're really behind in other ones and you're stressing out really bad?
what do you do when you have crushes on 2 straight guys and you can't do anything about that either except flirt with them on AOL IM?
what do you do when you miss your ex boyfriend?
what do you do when you're tired of growing fat and you know in reality you're not really fat but you are?
what do you do when you keep thinking about that one boy you're still not over?
what do you do when you don't want to clean your apartment?
what do you do when you've run out of CDs to listen to and out of money to buy new ones?
what do you do when you think maybe you're just not good enough to be a teacher?
what do you do when all you want to do is teach guard?
what do you do when you see someone who you think would be perfect for you, but it won't ever happen cause they are STRAIGHT?
what do you do when you're over being gay?
what do you do when you no longer can convince yourself you're "good looking"?
what do you do when you have no more weed?
most of my answers to these questions : smoke a blunt.
let's see how many YOU can answer!