Peirce your nose or tongue?
Be serious or funny?
Boxers or briefs?
Whole or Skim milk?
Single or taken?
Simple or complicated?
Law or Anarchy?
Flowers or angels?
Read or Write?
Color or black-and-white photos?
Sunrise or sunset?
M&Ms or skittles?
Rap or rock?
Stay up late or wake up late?
TV or radio?
It is POP or SODA?
X or O in Tic-Tac-Toe?
Eat an apple or an orange?
What came first the Chicken or the egg?
Hot or cold?
Tall members of the opposite sex or short?
Sun or moon?
Emerald or ruby?
Left or right?
10 acquaintances or 1 best friend?
Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?
High or drunk?
Green breans or carrots?
Low fat or fat free?
What is your bigest fear in the world?
Kids or no kids?
Cat or dog?
Half empty or half full?
Mustard or ketchup?
Hard cover book or soft cover books?
Newspaper or magazine?
Sandals or sneakers?
Wonder or amazement?
Red car or white car?
Happy and poor or sad and rich?
Hugging or kissing?
Happy or sad?
Purple or green?
{{Have You?}}
Fallen for your best friend?
Made out with just a friend?
Been rejected?
Been in love?
Used someone?
Been used?
Cheated on someone?
Been cheated on?
Done somethin you regret?
Who was the last person you..
You touched?
You talked to?
You instant messaged?
You yelled at?
You laughed with?
Had a crush on?
Who broke your heart?
In the future will you...
Color your hair?
Have tattoos?
Get peircings?
Own a webcam?
Ever get off the computer?
|Are you| Do you| Have you|
Considered being a hooker?
Are you physco?
Split personalitys?
Obsessed with hate?
If you could be anywhere, where would you be?
What are you listening to? The tv
Can you do anything unique with you body parts?
Do you have a favorite animal? ew, no.
Current Clothes?
Current mood?
Current music?
Current taste?
Current hair?
Current annoyance?
Current smell?
Current thing you should be doing?
Desktop picture?
Current favorite group?
Current book?
Current DVD in player?
Current refreshment?
Current worry?
Pleasee Doo!! cool thanks