i guess you could say im pretty bummed out....

May 11, 2004 22:28

so...this whole day has just been pretty crappy and dissapointing. i was really looking forward to going to prom. i just don't understand why jacquie told marshall that i didn't want to go to prom..YES, i did tell her i would hang out with her if i didn't have a date. but she pretty much made up my mind for me when she told marshall i didn't want to go because i was hanging out with her prom night...i think im even more sad because now marshalls going with shauna AND now jacquie decided as of this morning that she would like to go to prom too...ya,so umm my feelings are pretty hurt...im glad (sarcasm)she was able to tell my potential date that i didn't want to go so i would hang out with her and then to find out she completely forgot about me and is going to prom!!!...gosh it just sucks. oh and to top it off...sass was going to come visit tomorrow...but wont have enough time to drive here. he is stuck in chicago for the night because his flight out of South Carolina was delayed which made him miss his flight in chicago..pretty sad i dn't get to see him..i also just keep thinking how extremly close he is to michael right now...that makes me sad too! good lord...ok ok soo heres what i would want to see happen...

1)KaYla GeTs To Go TO pRoM aND HaVE A wOnDerFuL niGHT

2)SaSs SuRpRisEs KaYLa At ScHoOL toMORrOW beCauSe He WAS JUst TrYIng TO mAKe heR thInK he WaSn't GoNna MaKE it HErE BEfOre TrYOuTs.

3) KaYLa aNd MicHaEl meEt up AgAIn AfTEr 2 LoNg yeArs of NOt sEeIng ONe ANoTHer AnD RUn AWaY To LiVe HApPIlY eVEr AfTer :)

too bad none of this is will ever happen..but typing all that made me smile...so i guess it was worth thinking about. FUCK THIS DAY! it sucks major ass
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