May 19, 2005 19:08
lol stole this from sarah
1. name: kat
2. single or taken: taken <3
3. sex: female
4. birthday: december 22
6. siblings: 2
7. hair color: dark dark brown almost black with hazel highlights
8. eye color: dark brown
9. shoe size: 7
10. height: 5' and a quarter/half inch!!
r e l a t i o n s h i p s
1. who are your best friends?: all my friends rok! <33 luv u guys
2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes
f a s h i o n | s t u f f
1. where is your favorite place to shop: ummm anywere really
2. any tattoos or piercings: no. ino sad isnt it
s p e c i f i c s
1. do you do drugs?: nope and nevr will
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: dove or the herbel essences stuff
3. what are you most scared of?: getting bitten by spiders
5. who is the last person that called you?: mikaela!!
6. where do you want to get married?: on the beach or anywer out side wen its sunny
7. how many buddies are online right now?: i dono bout 60ish
8. what would you change about yourself?: my ass lol i dono prolly my hair
f a v o r i t e s
1. color: blue
2. food: junk food lol
3. boys names: i like em all!
4. girls names: renee,
5. subjects in school: i dono depends wat we're doing
6. animals: horses,dogs....i like em all
7. sports: horseback riding,gymnastics,snowboarding,windsurfing,soccer
h a v e | y o u | e v e r
1. given anyone a bath?: does a baby count
2. smoked?: ewwwww no!
3. bungee jumped?: no i wish!
4. made yourself throw up?: nope yuck
5. skinny dipped?: haha maybe
6: ever been in love?: yeh
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: once
8. pictured your crush naked?: hahaa prolly
9. actually seen your crush naked?: no
10. cried when someone died?: yes! of course
11. lied: wat do u think ;)
12. fallen for your best friend?: no
13. been rejected?: i dono ive nevr asked a guy out lol
14. rejected someone?: yes
15. used someone?: no i think thts retarded
16. done something you regret?: yeh many times
c u r r e n t
clothes: jeans,black shirt
make-up: mascara,eyeshadow,eyeliner
annoyance: my messy roon and homework!
smell: vanilla perfume mmm smells good lol
favorite group/artist: evanescence
desktop picture: 2 foals aka baby horses on the beach.
book you're reading: nothing
in cd player: kelly clarkson
in dvd player: nothing
l a s t | p e r s o n
hugged: my dad lol
you imed: sarah
you yelled at: rachel lol evryday. "rachel! were are u! rachel!wake up! rachel comeback!" lol we hav fun yelling at each other
you kissed: none of yo buisness lol
o p p o s i t e | s e x
what attracts you:funny nice guys. confident about themself. haha they gotta hav nice hair and pretty eyes lol. guys tht rnt too scrawny . ummm. blue eyes but i like all colors(omg hav u seen jake arambaru's eyes. damnnnn!)
last person you slow danced with: lol cant remember
makes you laugh the most: omg mike manor and josh jordan haha they r something wen there togeather. aside from them evryone
makes you smile: evryone
who do you have a crush on: josh <333
d o | y o u | e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: sometimes but not all night
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: hahahaahaha. NO!
wish you were younger: i dono
cried because someone said something to you?: wen my dad told me my uncle died and it wass rite b4 my concert at skool!
N u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: i dono
of hearts i have broken: 1
number of guys kissed: 2
of girls ive kissed: 0
of continents you've been to?: 3 or 4